A Soldier's Heart (Flippy x Flaky)

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*Flippy is walking home and he looks at the sun*

Flippy: Sure is a beautiful day today.... I wonder if Flaky misses me? *Laughs* what am I saying? Of course she does....

*Flippy keeps walking until he sees Mime operating a popcorn push cart and the popping of the popcorn sounds like gunshots to Flippy as he whimpers*

Mime: *Looks at Flippy confused*

Flippy: *Sees the battlefield and hears nothing but gunshots and screams of agony as he sees blood and smells the chemicals* no..... I don't want to be here! *Feels threatened as a blue tiger soldier appears over him as Fliqpy comes out*

*Flippy opens his eyes and reveals Fliqpy*

Mime: *Looks scared and tries to run but gets grabbed by the shoulders by Fliqpy and gets shoved into the popcorn cart and his head is placed over the flame as his head expands until it bursts like popcorn with his brain popping like popcorn*

Fliqpy: *Pulls out the now deceased Mime's head and decapitates it from Mime's body and starts eating the brain popcorn, enjoying the taste of it*

*Flaky is walking down the same path and sees Mime's decapitated body and sees Fliqpy eating Mime's brain and hides behind a tree*

Flaky: He's flipped again.... How do I calm him? *Looks around and sees a red teddy bear in a toy store window* aha! *Looks around and rushes to the store where she sees Toothy*

Toothy: *Hears the bell by the door ring* oh. Hello Flaky! What may I do to help you?

Flaky: *Grabs the red teddy bear and places it on the counter*

Toothy: I see.... *Picks up the bear and scans it* that will be 10 dollars please.

*Flaky pays the money as Toothy looks at her confused*

Flaky: What?

Toothy: I was just confused as to why you were buying a teddy bear.... I thought you would have went for the sports gear over there.

*Flaky looks over at the sports gear on the left wall and looks back at Toothy*

Flaky: Oh, it's not for me.... It's for- *hears screaming and sees Cuddles fly into the window splattering into nothing but blood and gore* him....

Toothy: *His eyes are shrunken with fear* Flippy flipped didn't he?!

Flaky: Yep.... I don't know what caused it.... But that's why I'm buying this teddy bear.... For him.

Toothy: Why didn't you tell me that in the first place?! *Gives the 10 dollars back to Flaky*

Flaky: No, no....

Toothy: Since you've saved my life countless times from him.... It's the least I can do.... Free of charge!

Flaky: Thanks.... Now you better go hide..... I'll deal with Fliqpy.

*Toothy runs into the back room as Flaky walks out holding the teddy bear in her arm as she eyes Fliqpy finishing putting Petunia's head on a stake*

Fliqpy: *Evil laugh*

Flaky: Flippy....

*Fliqpy turns around and sees Flaky*

Fliqpy's thoughts: Another soldier..... Time to finish this one the way I did the others...

*Fliqpy twirls a knife that's drenched in blood and laughs as he approaches Flaky who's unfazed*

Flaky's thoughts: Don't show you're scared Flaky.... It'll only make him kill you.... You have to show that you're brave.... Even if you're completely terrified.... But you love Flippy, so you must learn to love Fliqpy too....

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 23, 2022 ⏰

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