Grammar Roasts

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1. A hell of a ghost can tell you when you've made a when you're dealing with such a literal interpretation of what a word is.

2. This is why you have Grammarly, to prevent this kind of thing from happening.

3. You are the person that says" wait what? A spelling and grammar checker? On your computer? Are you a millennial?" when somebody has Grammarly.

4. Sometimes you have to look at a word like "literally" in order to see it.

5. You are so bad at spelling, your editor asked you to just go ahead and drop the whole thing.

6. You are such a bad speller, that even when you do spell correctly, people think you are still making a dumb mistake.

7. You are so bad at grammar, you have to use autocorrect on numbers, just to make sure it's correct.

8. Your boss has a PhD in English, and is in the habit of correcting your work "Grammatically".

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