578 27 11

Word count: 2537
Song: i wanna be yours-arctic monkeys

The annual school play.

It was coming up, near the end of the year, a week before Christmas break.

To get to partake was a privilege, but a privilege everyone could have if they had the will and energy to do it.

Some of the school's most talented actors and actresses would sign up, as well as people that would want to participate.

Even some people didn't sign up voluntarily, pressured by their friends.

George for example.

His friends pushed him towards the flyer once they saw George's crush sign it as well.

Other people maybe wanted to try something new, bored of the activities they had done almost every day for the past years.

Clay for example.

He was a star football player, everyone liked him.

But he wanted to try something different, and what else to try out than the musical?

On his way to lunch the flyer was there in front of the auditorium, a couple names written on it.

He slowed down, stopping in front of the large cork board and grabbed the pen hanging on a thread, quickly writing his name on it before rushing into the cafeteria.

A couple of people behind him were George and his friend, nagging at him to go sign his name since Clay had done it.

"C'mon, George," Karl whined. "It'll be fun! I'll sign up with you, even!"

"No thank you," George said, holding his hand up in Karl's direction. "I've got better stuff to do."

"Like what?" Karl asked.

"I— work?" George said. "I want to pass."

"Please, George?" Karl begged. "I'll go down on my hands and knees if you reject it again."

George sighed deeply, stopping in front of the flyer and ran his eyes over the people who had already signed up.

"This is just for the auditions, George, if you screw that you won't even have to be in the play!" Karl said.

"Then what's the point anyways? Not like I'd get chosen," George tried to argue.

His eyes stayed on Clay's name, George biting the inside of his cheek in a nervous manner.

"You don't know unless you try," Karl reasoned.

George sighed as he considered his final answer, the bell about to ring for their lunch to start.

"Alright, fine," George blurted. "But never again, you hear me?"

"Yes! I hear you," Karl cheered, grabbing the pen and signing his name, passing George the pen afterwards. "Not like we'd get more chances."

"Right," George admitted.

Since it was their last year, they obviously didn't have more opportunities with such things, so fuck it.

George signed his name, Karl grabbing his arm and pulling him to the cafeteria immediately afterwards.

The lunch passed by quickly, George was on his way to his next class before he knew it.

He entered the classroom and took a seat near the back of the classroom, one he sat in almost always.

Students piled in the next few minutes, clay being one of them, sitting down at the back of the class.

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