Chapter One

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My day starts at exactly 6:30am every single day. I get up earlier than I should but only to allow myself enough time to get everything done and have somewhat of a peaceful morning. After I kiss my sleeping mother on the cheek, I head for the door and welcome the beautiful, bright orange morning sun. On my way to school I stop for some coffee at my favorite local coffee shop.
"Good morning, Nikki!" Carrie says to me with that pure smile of hers. Carrie has been working at the shop for seventeen years; this woman has the brightest personality. I have never met someone like her before. I like to think that she is a guardian angel that was sent for me. The way that I can just tell her anything and she won't judge me, only give me advice and her warm smile. I can talk to her about anything and everything, she loves me so much even though I'm just a regular here, she knows all about my life and I know all about hers.
"Hi Carrie." I give her my best smile. One I don't show very often.
"I have your black coffee ready right here for you, just how you like it, my love." she carefully hands me my coffee wrapped in a brown napkin, I thank her and take a sit on the stool.
"Do you have any plans for the weekend my love?" I take a quick sip of my coffee and she waits for my response.
"Actually, I do! It's my uncle's birthday today and the whole family is going to be there. I told him I would stop by after work but only for a while," the last thing I want to do is go to my uncle's birthday party. It's not that I don't want to be there especially if my whole family from my father's side is going to be there, is the fact that by the end of the day I'm exhausted and only look forward to laying in my bed, curled up in my blue blanket with a book in my hand.
"Good for you. You need to go out and have some fun, and maybe meet a special guy," she has so much hope that I will find a guy who loves me. I've always told her I will end up alone with seven cats, but she reassures me that somewhere out there there's boy who is waiting for me and only for me.
"No, my Carrie, no special guys for me." I feel bad for saying that. She looks sad and that's not my intention.
"Well, at least not tonight. It's my family thing, but maybe soon." She gives me a tight hug and takes the empty plastic cup from me to throw it in the garbage. And just like that I'm out of the shop within seconds, I don't want to be late for school.
Thankfully, my day went by in a haste. My professor let us out earlier than usual because he said he had a meeting and I headed straight for work. I make my money cleaning a couple's home three times a week. It is not the most pleasant job in the world but they pay me four hundred a week and give me bonuses on the holidays. Not to mention, they are truly lovely people. They have no children, which I'm grateful for in a way. They have a beautiful relationship and home. Everything between them is perfect.
I mentioned I had a family gathering today and they let my out earlier. I reassured them that wasn't necessary but they insisted that I left early.
Which brings me to this very moment, in front of my closet, not knowing what hell to wear. Its fall and quite chilly outside. I hate the cold. It makes me feel so uncomfortable. I decide to wear a black long sleeve dress that falls just inches above my knees. It's a little tight but it hugs my hips nicely. I decide to wrap a belt around it so that I won't look so simple and boring. I debate whether I should wear heels or not since I still haven't quite mastered my cat walk, but this dress goes with heels so I might as well suck it up. I decide to do big bouncy waves and some foundation, blush, mascara and a nude lip, keeping it light and simple.
It takes me about 15 minutes to get to my uncle's house. He doesn't live very far from me. No one in my family lives far away from me. I guess that comes with its pros and cons. Right now, I'm just grateful that I don't have to drive far away; driving isn't really my thing. By the time I reach the front of the house I noticed that almost every single one of my family members cars has taken the driveway leaving me no choice but to park in front of the neighbor's driveway just around the corner. It doesn't look like there's anyone there so I hope there's no trouble by me leaving the car here, either way I won't be here for long.
I open the front gate of the house and head towards the backyard. The booming of the music can be heard from a few houses down. The closer I get to it, the more my head pounds.
I open the small gate to the backyard and all eyes fall on me. I freeze in my steps not knowing what to do. Why are they all looking at me like that? Did my dress rip? I did my make up smudge? Is in my hair?
My father is the first one to approach me with open arms and glistering eyes.
"You look incredibly beautiful as always," he whispers in my ear as I take in the warmth of his hug. I missed him so much. I haven't seen my father in a few weeks but that's what happens when you have divorced parents and your dad lives on the other side of town. My dad and I have a great relationship. And even if we're both busy, we find time to either talk on the phone or meet up.
I continue my way through the crowd of family members, family friends and some people that I have never seen before. I give my uncle his present and a big hug and kiss wishing him a happy birthday.
His son, my cousin Dom, surprises me with an embrace from behind. I turn around to face him. God, he looks so much like his mother
It's like having my aunt in man form in front of me.
"Well, well, well! look at you, you're looking hot tonight,"
I actually think that I overdressed. Everyone is wearing jeans and a shirt for the most part and here I am looking like an idiot in a pair of heels and a dress.
I flush in embarrassment.
"Hey, I didn't say you looked bad, I complemented you! you look nice, you look sexy maybe a little too sexy for a simple family gathering/birthday party but you still look gorgeous."
I smile and reply with a simple thank you.
He grabs my arm "there's still some people you have to greet. Come on let me take it to them."
I'm pretty sure I've greeted everybody at this point, but then I notice there's a small group of young people sitting on a sofa in a corner and we are headed directly there a way. I don't know if it's the fact that I'm a Capricorn or maybe I'm just naturally antisocial, but I hate meeting new people. It's just an awkward for me. I have no idea who they are. What am I supposed to do after I have greeted them?
There are two girls and two guys sitting down on the sofa. One of the girls has a more town boy style while the other one is just wearing a simple white shirt and dark skinny jeans. They both say a simple 'hi' to me and go back to talking. The light skin guy gets up from his seat and gives me a kiss on the cheek as he presents himself as Richard. The other one just sits there with his arms crossed looking down as if I wasn't here as if I didn't exist. Or maybe he just doesn't care to say hi to me at all, I mean he doesn't have to he doesn't know who I am. But unlike him I do have manners and I do care about other people's feelings so I extend my hand to him.
"Hi I'm Nicole." he looks up slowly still not making eye contact with me instead he looks at my hand in a weird way as if I had an extra finger.
I can't believe this guy is actually hesitating to shake my hand
Just as I'm and about to give up and try to save myself from the embarrassment, he extends his hand and meets with mine.
His grip is so tight it hurts my tiny hand and the ring I carry on my ring finger collides with the rest of fingers causing a slight pain. He finally looks up at me as he shakes my hand with an intensity behind his light green eyes. Almost as if he's mad? I don't know I can't quite read the guy and the situation is already awkward enough for me to even ask questions or try to make a conversation with these people.
These people are not my group of people. These are the people that do not wait for the weekend to go out, they are out every single night drinking, smoking and only God knows what else they do.
After he lets go, he goes back to the same position he was in before: arms crossed. I just stand there awkwardly not knowing what to do. Richard struggles in his seat "forgive my man Sal, he's not the most charming or charismatic, don't take it personal."
What kind of name is that?
I know I'm flushed I can feel the heat in my cheeks. My god this is so embarrassing!
"it's ok I didn't take it personal."
Of course, I took it personal. The guy is a total dick head!
My cousin comes back with a drink in his hand.
"Here you go princess," I hate it when he calls me that. He knows it bothers me so he stays pushing my buttons, especially in from of his friends, but they don't seem to really care especially the rude tatted one.
He picks up a cup from the table in front of us and raises it as if his going to make a toast,
"here's to having a fun evening and to celebrating my old man. I hope to have him around for many more years."
The group raises their glasses and I hesitate to raise mine. I don't drink. I don't like the taste of alcohol or the heartburn it causes. And, well, I know it sounds insanely ridiculous but there's a little voice inside of me that tells me that if I consume even the tiniest amount of alcohol I will pass out and probably die. Yep, I'm that dramatic.
Everyone seems to notice that I did not take a shot like they did and they're looking at me almost as if they're waiting for me to explain why I did not take a shot.
My cousin gently lays his hand on my back, "is something wrong?"
He knows I don't drink. You'd think that after having many family parties and gatherings he wouldn't even bother to bring me a shot, but he did, in front of the strangers whose eyes are on me, staring me down like I'm an idiot. I am an idiot. I should have just said hi and walked away.
But then, I hear him. A deep raspy voice. I know that it is he the one that's talking I can feel his eyes on me and by the tone of his voice I can feel grin. It sends shivers through my entire body.
"Why won't you take a shot princess?"
I am completely and utterly speechless. Frozen. He's sitting with his forearms resting on his thighs and his hands together waiting for my response. His eyes never leaving mine. And a grin that makes my heart race desperately. I can feel my heartbeat in my throat. I feel a wave of heat invading in my body slowly.
My god! what is going on with me?

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