Chapter 14: Overtime

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I wake up by the nightmare I just have now. I'm tired of these bullshits now. It's so hard hurting Steven like this.
Anyways, I hopped from my bed being hurried up for my office today.
It's so frustrated that I've to do overtime today. It's okay, I'm getting paid for it anyways.
I quickly freshed and get ready. I ate my breakfast and left for the office.

I was doing work when I got a message from Steven.
Are you doing okay?
Yes- i replied.
Good, I Just wanted to meet you so..
Do you have time for today?
No.. I've to do overtime you know!
Oh okay then, bye
Bye ❤️❤️
I closed my phone and started to work again. What the..Why the fuck I send him those hearts? It's cringe. Damn! What he'll think about me now? I don't care but still? Shit, I shouldn't add TWO hearts at the text.
I continued my work anyways. My co-workers left while I'm still doing my work in the laptop. It's so annoying to look continuously at the laptop. My eyes are hurting. I want to sleep so badly. I don't feel like sleeping other times, but when I work.. I'm the most sleepyhead person. I was relaxing when I heard a knock in my table. I almost jumped by the sudden sound, because it was too quiet for the absence of the co-workers.
It's my Boss. I saw him standing beside my table. "Sir..sorry-" he interrupted me saying, "it's okay Elle. You can go to Home, you look stressed already".
"Ah, thank you so much", I said as I packed my thing and ready to leave but he grabbed my wrist.
"I'll drop you", he said softly. I never seen him being soft to anyone in the office. So I was kind of shocked by his sudden behaviour.
"No, it's fine. I'll go by the cab", I said.
"It's already late. Let's go into my car, please!", He pleaded. I just can't say no to him because his soft behaviour, so I agreed.
The ride is still. He broke the silence and said, "how was the party?"
"It was good sir", I replied.
"So, did mean you guys did you guys have a good time?"
I slightly nodded. I really enjoyed but it was messed up somehow for my stupid plan.
"You don't look happy", he said in a serious tone, focusing on the driving.
"I'm happy, I really am", i assured him. He abruptly hold my hand. I felt something in my stomach. I don't know.. It's not because I like him or something, it's just maybe it's the first time I'm seeing him like this.
"It's okay", he said.
The rest ride was silent. And here we reached my home. I disembarked from the car and smiled at him.
"Thank you, sir", I said and stepped forward when he stopped me. He also got out of the car and stand next to me. His dark brown eyes wants to say something but I can't.
"I..i", he hanged back.
"What's it?", I said with a curious tone.
"You know I never dated someone and i won't never", he said and sighed. But why the hell he's telling me this? Will he say me to arrange a girlfriend for him or something? I don't feel like because he won't never say this.
"You know the reason?", He said.
I raised my eyebrows of curiousity.
"Because I like you..", he paused and then continued, "since the day you have been working on my company, I started to like you. I don't know how these feelings are so I was confused. But then recently.. when I heard about your dating...I felt a sting in my hurt. I felt that that brat is taking you away from me. My heart skipped a beat when I see you and.."
I was so shocked at his words. How can he? He's handsome, tall, nice and even have his own attitude but still..i won't ever go with him.
"Did I say something wrong?", He said being embarassed. Well.. Yes, you've said something wrong for sure. I like Steven and I'm going to marry..NO NO! fucking what I'm thinking? We doesn't have any future and I've to accept it.
"No", I said still being shocked.
"So.. Will you-",
"It's so cold here. You should quickly go back", I said as I went inside of my house. I don't know what to do. It'll be uneasy at office when I'll see him.
I went in my room being freshed. And I got a text from an unknown number.
"Hey, Elle"
"Hey.. Wait a minute..Who are you?"
"Lee. You forget right?
"Ohhhh heyyyy! How can I forget you? Hehehe what's up?

We chatted late hours and I finally went to sleep. I'll call Steven tomorrow to meet me. He said me that he wanted to meet me. Maybe now he have some plans about cancelling our marriage. But to be honest, I don't want it. I never talked with any man except my father, some of my male relatives and Jimmy. I studied in girls high school. So I really don't have any experience how to talk with guys. But after spending some little moments with Steven, I feel like to spend my all life with him. I know he falls for that shitty Anna but what to do? She's the one who introduced him to the whatever of the world. I'm so pissed off now. I checked the time of my phone, it's 2:30am. I have to wake up tomorrow also. I was so busy thinking that I didn't even realised it was so late. I put the blankets on my and went to sleep. I'll have again some goddamn nightmares again of Steven leaving me, my parents beating the crap of me, losing my job.

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