Letter 9: Thank You Beloved

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Lastnight  when i called you from my friend's phone and i actually got to talk to you finally because it been awhile since we talked. I was so happy to here from you beloved . Your voices was so nice. I can't wait to see you beloved and now i know you still care about me even though were not together you still care for me as a friend. I'm so gladed. I know u were on the phone and told me not to cry and how it made you feel like shit. I just wanted to let you know it was happy tears coming down my face. Plus i love how u make me laugh when i'm crying. Well i didn't have much to say but i will call you today when i get a phone. Your the first one i will call. 

Beloved: Dam right you better call me first.

Me: Yes you be the first one i'll call hotstuff.

Beloved: ......

Me: Oh yeah i forgot sorry i didn't mean to call you that.

Beloved: It's fine.....Plus i still feel like a monster because i made you cry.

Me: Well don't be it was happy tears remember.

Beloved: yah yah well i better see you this summer.

Me: well i plan on coming this summer Beloved i'm gonna tri my hardest even if i have to disobey my parents.

Beloved: Ok but don't get into too much trouble ok???

Me: ok love you beloved talk to you later.

Beloved: love you too bye...

Hey guy's i'm back sorry for the long wait .....love u guy's see you next letter....

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