Letter 17

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Dear Beloved 4-25-2015

How's life been??? Last night i had a dream about you it was werid but the house was amazing. I could feel everything we did. I could feel the laughter. The joy we had. We had a amazing time in that dream. I wish it was real though ,but one part you were such a tease and you pulled me back because i was in sitting in fount of you. Then you kissed me twice and i thought we were going to make out. Then you stopped. I felt everything. It was amazing. I wondered if you had the same dream. Please don't get creepy out that i had a dream of you because your like miles on end far away from me. You probably wounder how i still can dream about you since we haven't seen each other for a lot of months. I feel like are souls are connected and it won't break because we still have a bound still. Sound soul dwells with in a sound mind and soul body.

That's all i have to say for this letter. *starts to blush* please beloved don't think i'm a creepy because i had a dream of you. See yeah next letter.

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