Endangered Identity

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What's up you guys! here is the first chapter of "Lucky in love with my best friend"! yep, decided to update.


"Cuz' we could be immortals! Immortals! just not for long, for long!" that my friends, is the ring tone of the new hologram caller that Hiro made for the team. I struggled to answer it with closed eyes. but well, "Whoaaa.. Oof!" that didn't work out. "Aww... did I wake you up princess?" Hiro's hologram asked. I blew my bangs from my face.

"Yes you did, prince not-so-charming." I quoted. I checked the clock. Okay... what the? "Hiro, it's three in the morning! Why are you still up?" I asked obviously surprised. 

"I don't know, I can't sleep, so I decided to call you." he answered rather smoothly.

"Oh. Uhh... Why me? Why not wasabi?" I asked curiously. Hiro shrugged.

"Hmm, I don't know either. I just felt like it." he smiled. I smiled with a blush, good thing it was dark- wait I blushed?! "Hey, i've been wanting to tell you something." I looked at him as a sign to continue, but then Hiro scratched the back of his neck uncomfortably. "Err... Never mind. It's not the right time, maybe some other time." he said. 

"Um ok?" I said, confused. 

"Yep, sorry for ruining your sleep, princess. Night, Leiko." he winked and ended our call. That was weird. And Leiko? he never used my real name. Something weird is going on... But I was too sleepy to think. So I waited until tomorrow.

I woke up the next morning with a yawn and a stretch. "Roomie, what time is it?" I asked my room, so, ok i forgot to tell you this, a lot happened since we beat professor Callaghan. Nobody still knows who we are, we still go to SFIT, we made a whole lot of new invention, some already placed at the Tadashi Industries. For instance, I improved my bike from 70mph to 140mph. I made a new suit, in the color of violet and yellow complete with wings and two additional discs. Hiro made the hologram caller, an upgrade to our room and built our own super hero lair with the help of microbots. Wasabi made laser knives. Honey Lemon made universal antidotes that can cure almost all diseases. And Fred, well, he finally got a major, not at SFIT but at Sanfransokyo University (SFU) he took geology. Who knew he had it in him? 

So anyways my room answered, "11 am Gogo." It said. My eyes widened. I woke up so late! Well that's what happens if someone calls you at 3 am, even if it's only for a few minutes, it takes time for me to go back to sleep. Plus i don't blame him, the poor guy have been going through a lot lately. He's probably even confused about that, but Hiro's really smart. You know what? I have no idea what that was all about. I played with my phone for a while until, "Baymax has contacted you and 2 others for an event at Fred's house," my room said. I quickly dressed up, and took some gummy bears on the way for snacks. 

"Aight' room lock. MOM! I'm going to Fred's!!!" i yelled already at the door, 

"Ok! Be careful!" 

"I will!"

I rode my bike to Fred's in a couple of paddles. I went to Fred's room, still chaotic, Fred was running around getting chased by wasabi, Honey lemon was throwing chem balls at them. The floor was mostly ice, Baymax was chasing a ball and Hiro was sitting on the sofa lazily while watching the rest do their chaos. he looked at me and chuckled. 

"See what I gotta put up with Gogo?" i smiled and sat next to him. 

"I see. So what happened?" He sighed then grinned. 

"Well, Fred was teasing Wasabi that his major is better than Wasabi's, Wasabi got mad, chased him around, Honey tried to freeze their feet, and Baymax is failing to catch a soccer ball." He said, chuckling slightly about Baymax. I laughed looking at the walking marshmallow trying to catch a soccer ball.

"Haha! Whoo! I got them!" I heard Honey say. 

"You did Honey, but now my floor is ice!" Fred yelled. 

"Well, I say you deserve it," said Wasabi.

Squeak, splat, boing! "I have fallen, but I have also caught the ball,"Baymax said pointing one finger while laying on the ice floor and holding the soccer ball. I laughed. 

"Haha! Come here big guy." Hiro said as he help Baymax.

"So what are we doing here, exactly?" Wasabi asked. We looked at Hiro expectantly. He was the one who made Baymax contact all of us. He raised his hands. 

"Don't look at me, Fred told me to come and invite you guys through Baymax," I popped a bubble and looked at Fred. "Oh yeah. I forgot, I saw this last night, I recorded it around 10 pm and I have no idea on whether to be worried or happy." He said, switching on the TV. We selected file_recorded-BH6/news and the recorded video came up. SF News came up and there was a clip of us fighting the latest villain.

"This is Sanfransokyo's famous yet unknown hero's Big Hero 6, they have saved hundreds of lives in this city, but they are also very good hiders and we do not know their identity. Let's ask one of the the human experts, Mr. Cralton. Based on your expert training, how old do you think these heroes are?" The reporter asked, 

"I'd say the one with glowing swords, and the one with magic orbs are around 17" I snickered. 

"Glowing swords and magic orbs?" Looks like the world don't know anything about us. 

"What's up with that? It's called Chem Balls," Honey rolled her eyes. We continued. "The boy in blue and the girl in yellow looks the same age which is 15, but the girl seems a couple months older. And as for the lizard, I don't know. I can't tell because of his or her costume, but my closest guess is also 17 and as for the gigantic flying thing, I don't know. I think that's a robot." the man said.

"'Lizard? His or her? Costume?' The world doesn't respect me at all!" Fred protests. back to the vid... 

"Alright, thank you Mr. Cralton. Well there you have it. We also suspect these heroes are to study at SFIT as many people say because of their high tech technology. Professor Treyson, the owner of Treyson company, wants these heroes to help improve his company as he wants them to work for him, next week his team will search and examine SFIT, for these heroes." Fred turned off the TV and looked at each of us. 

"So?" My eyes widened, I knew we were good but I didn't know that we were that good to get to work at the Treyson Company, his company is one of the best of the best, not even Krei could be on top of it. They know we study at SFIT they're going to look through our records for us next week. And if they find us, we have no choice but to reveal our identity and work for them. You don't understand. That is how good this guy is, and when he wants it, he gets it. Good thing he's not fond of violence or blood, which is somehow, his phobia. But he has other ways for him to make us do what he says. so I think we should be worried with a little pinch of happy. but this is Hiro's choice to make, since he's the leader. I stared at him, he doesn't know what to do. 

"Hiro?" Honey called. 

"I didn't expect that at all. I'm a little happy but i'm also worried. we can't let him find out our identity." he said.


Not much of a cliffhanger huh?

yeah so anyways the HiroGo's spark isn't here yet. oh but don't worry I'll get to it.

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