Room Decorating

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Like i told you... I was inspirited by Honey's room, so i decided to decor as well.
It was morning and we had some sushi breakfast since it was Wasabi's turn to make breakfast, and of course he spilled wasabi the second time.nice job Wasabi.

And at that whole time I can't help but stole a few glances of Hiro. I looked at the way he eats his sushi. And once he caught me stare at him and i was like... Uh oh. But He just smiled at me and chuckled which of course... Made me melt inside.

I got started on my room right after we went to SFIT.

On one corner there's station for Viomax and all her stuff in it like, charging staton, cables, armor, etc. Fall out boy's poster is up, on the wall on top of my bed there's a kind of swirly abstract mural in every neon color, I'd day it brings out the black. The walls aren't stripe. It's just very very very very dark violet almost black, but not black. You guys get what I'm trying to say here? I checked my closet that turns out that it was not a closet, but another compartment for tools, gears, more electronics, magnets. I tried to find my closet... Yeah all my clothes are still in my suitcases, and it looks like I didn't venture my room quite enough. I found the closet, and it was not what i expected. It was huge!! And you could go inside it! Well Gogo turns out you're going to have to go shopping if you wanna fill this up. And it wasn't only one compartment, there was a second one. And this one has my armor and fighting gadgets. Hiro... You still surprise me. Literally.

I now have a cat house. Well... Mochi's gonna have a new friend. I modified my room, now... It has new floating hologram computers just like Hiro's and yes. Of course he helped me put those on. he's teaching me these kinds of stuff anyways. And guess what? I have a refrigerator in my room and also a food storage. Call me crazy but i love to eat. Well the gang doesn't know about food in my room. Well i guess i'll tell them later.
I have a wall water fountain that i could say was pretty. Ans that's all i got for know. But hey who knows? Maybe it'll be more than this. And i have a feeling that it will be today too. Since Honey and i are going to the mall to buy new clothes and probably more furnitures or decoration.

I went to her room and asked her when we're leaving, we' re leaving at 6 pm. So after or before the shopping, we could hang with the guys, catch a movie, or go to the arcade or whatever," she answered. I nodded

I went to my room to play skyrim. Yep! Got a xbox 360, xbox one, wii U and ps 4 hey. You Guys must be thinking what?? Impossible! Who would even get that kind of money? Right? Well, we're superheroes under cover. Students of a very successful institute. Won more than ten tech awards. All of us is actually filthy rich. (Even aunt cass the cafe was a huge success!) so where do you guys think we got the money. Anyways i was playing skyrim, i know it's an old game but i was still fun. While playing, i ate a tub of vanilla ice cream. I completed yet another of the game's quest and i screamed "WHOOOO, I AM A NIGHTINGALE!!!" Then i shoved a mouthful of ice cream in my mouth.

A second later that gang came into my room, "Well you finally finished that que....." Hiro trailed coming in. My mouth was still filled with ice cream. I swear, i looked like a chipmunk that finally found some nuts and don't wanna share. Well... This couldn't get any more embarrassing can it? "Hey how did you get that ice cream? You didn't even come out of your room yet," Wasabi asked. My eyes trailed off to the refrigerator "You managed to put a refrigerator in here?" Fred asked, i nodded gulping down the last of the ice cream blushing in embarrassment "i was going to tell you guys later, so... Yeah," I said not knowing what else to say. Then Honey started laughing "What's so funny?" I asked. "You guys should've seen your faces! It was so awkward and hahahaha!" She laughed showing us a photo that she took a few seconds ago. And she was right our face was priceless. So we laughed with her.

It was now 5:30 so we decided to get ready to the mall.
I got my bike ready and Baymax was ready to fly. Hey... We might be undercover but we aren't going to take the ordinary transportation. Shush, we have our ways.

"You ready to go little man?" I asked Hiro, "
For your information, I am not little," he defended
"oh yeah? Prove it," i smirked,
"How?" He asked
"By not getting scared to ride my bike with me to the mall," i said. Well that came out of nowhere. But he accepts. Well this oughta be good. What is wrong with me?

Everyone was still surprised of the fact that Hiro is riding the bike with me, but i told them that it was a bet and everyone got over it, i think.

"You ready?" I asked
"Bish please, i was born ready," he says
"Did you just sass me Hiro?" I complained
"Well your question offended me, why would you think that i wasn't ready, i mean, i already rode Baymax do the loopy loops and stuff," he laughed
"Are you really sure you're ready?" I laughed with him. Then he did the face.
"Just drive,"he said tired of the conversation, i laughed and zoomed to the mall.

We arrived at the mall. "So how was it?" i asked, "i admit, that was fun. So are you willing to face the fact that i am not little?" He asked smirking. I giggled "Yeah yeah, whatever Hiro," and there's the giggle we all been waiting for. Stupid giggles.

"Guys... Stop dating and let's go shopping already," Honey complained already wanting to go shopping. We both blushed hard. Curse you Honey...... I gave her a death glare but she wasn't scared of me anymore, like the first time i gave her the glare. Oh yeah... Happy times.

The guys went to the electronic stores while Honey and i went to the clothing stores. i got new leather jacket, new jeans, gloves. Awesome new t shirts. I got some leather boots. Well that went nicely.

Time to,go the furnitures store!!

There was interesting things we found. but not much. Well That's because my style's a bit. Well you know. Yeah.

So I didn't buy anything. Call me lame, I don't care.
Short chapter? Yes i know, i'm sorry. I ran out of inspiration on this one

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