Chapter 3: Leaving

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     "Rock Me, Rock Me, Rock Me Yeah!" Says phone. (Ringing)

      I open my eyes and realize my phone is ringing. I pick it up and answer it, "Hello?" I say in a sleepy daze.

      "Abby, it's Jennah. Are you ready yet?" Says Jennah.

       I look at the clock and ti says, 5:45.

      "Oh crap, no! No I wasn't even up yet!" I say with a mad tone.

      "Well calm done, I'm just at Ry's house. She's getting ready as we speak."

       "Ok. I'll get ready too. Thanks for waking me up! Bye.''

       "Bye and text when you are ready to be pick up."

        I hung up the phone and walk to the bathroom. I look like a mess with bedhead! My face is pale and I don't think my hair is in a good mood. (Meaning I don't know if it will style). But thank goodness, it did! I parted my hair on the left side and curled the ends. I put light, sparkly pink eyeshadow on with black eyeliner. Also, I had mascara and blush. I picked out a One Direction silver crackle hoodie and light blue skinny jeans with silver vans. I brushed my teeth and checked my bag one more time. Everything was there so I texted Jennah to come get me.

        To: Jennah;)

I'm ready!! Lets go to London!! :)

       From: Jennah:) See you in 2 and Lets do this thing!!

     I giggled a little at her reply. Jennah is always making me laugh! I wake my mom up and tell her I love and that I will try to call everyday! I tell Megan goodbye too and that I love her! I hear Ryanna and Jennah pull in so I say I love you again for the last time and walk out to the car. The girls greet me with hellos and I say hi back. I get in the car that's playing 1D and sit in the back and try to calm my nerves. It's only One Direction and a three week trip! What could go wrong?! I think in my head.

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