Chapter 5 - Suspicion

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(Artwork by Eimimay)


Mono cried with laughter, trying to crawl away from Six as she tickled him relentlessly, an evil grin on her face.

"Not until you say I won!"

They were having a pillow fight a few minutes before, and Seven had joined in at this point. He was laying down on the covers next to them, completely exhausted and in his nome form. The beds were completely ruined, the covers drooping onto the floor and the pillows laid out all over the ground.

"Alright, alright!! You win!"


Mono gave up, letting Six take the victory this time. She jumped up for joy as Mono caught his breath, still dying of laughter. 

"Hah... oh man... I'm tired- WOAH!!"

Mono yelped as she suddenly tackled him, wrapping her arms around him and Seven's tiny body, holding them close to her.

"I missed you two..."

She smiled, holding them tighter as Mono put his arms around her, placing his chin on her shoulder.


The three tensed up, turning to face the open doorway where they saw Veronica standing there with two bowls of food in each of her hands. Seven panicked, immediately turning back into his normal form.

"Um... hi..."

Mono waved, breaking his hug from Six as he raised a hand to wave at Veronica. She set the bowls down on a table nearby and adjusted her red hairband.

"These bowls are for you, Mono and Six... I'll go and bring another bowl for... erm..."

She gestured toward the kid in the blue shirt who was hiding behind Six.

"What's your name again?"

Mono and Six turned to face Seven, whose face had gone all red once again. They tried their best to get him to talk, mumbling words of encouragement to him.

"Come on, Seven... she's asking you a question..."

Six whispered, getting him to raise his head a little bit.

"Yeah, Seven... you survived killer giants and leeches, you can talk to a girl..!"

Mono patted him on the shoulder, getting Seven to mumble one word.


"Alright, I'll be right back to get you one, Seven." She waved at them as she left the room. "I'll be quick!"

The door closed shut, causing Seven to let out a sigh of relief. He picked up a pillow from off of the ground pressed the back of his head against it, closing his eyes shut as Mono scoffed.

"Well, that was awkward."

Six ran over to the bowls and brought them over, setting them down on the bed.

"Look, popcorn!"

She held a piece of the foreign food up to Mono, who had no idea what he was looking at.


"Oh, come on! Tell me you've had this before!"


Mono sort of recognized it and the smell it gave off, but he couldn't recollect a time he had eaten it. Six stuffed a handful into her mouth, sitting down on the bed and relaxing.

"You know what? I'll ask Veronica for ice cream next!"

"Ice cream..?"

Mono's eyebrows raised, his pure white eyes expanding as Six jostled his memory.

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