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I WOKE UP TO MY MOM'S VOICE SHOUTING AT ME TO GET UP. How though? I live alone, I thought.

I opened my eyes and saw Moonbyul standing beside my bed with my phone.

"Yes Mrs.Lee she just woke up", she was talking on the phone. "Yes I'll give it to her". She handed me the phone.

"What happened? Who is it?". I asked groggily.

"It's your mom. I decided to come pick you up, but you wouldn't wake up so I called up your mom and luckily you woke up instantly", she said as a matter-of-factly. "She said she wants to talk to you".

On the phone:-

"Hello mom. What's the matter. Is something wrong?".

"Can I only call my daughter when something is wrong? Nothing's wrong. I just want you to come home for the weekend. I have a surprise for you".

"Mooomm", I groaned. "I hate your surprises. Your last surprise was setting me up on a blind date which was horrible. What is it this time?"

"No complaining. You have to come. I will make all the arrangements for you to come here. Ok bye sweetheart. Take care". Beep

"What happened?" Moonbyul asked. "You have a funny look on your face".

"Nothing just my mother with her schemes but I do have something to tell you".


"Let's go pick up Joy first. Come on".

                                                                        AT SCHOOL:-

"WHATT?!",Both my besties shouted.

"Hey lower you voice", I said alarmed.

"Did you just say you were kidnapped",Joy asked in a more hushed tone.

I nodded and told them everything.

"Omo, Did you report this to the police?" she asked.

"What? No, I don't think it was that serious I mean I'm unhurt and completely fine".

"Excuse me girlfriend, Did you just lose your brain cells? Even though you are unhurt you were still made unconscious and taken to some creepy place to get locked up. That is a crime" Moonbyul said.

" I know but we don't even have any evidence",I said. "Ugh all this is making me super crazy".

"You are already crazy", A new voice said.

Wendy, Yeri and Seulgi walked towards us.

"Yall, just leave us alone. We don't have time to deal with annoying and pathetic potatoes like you" Moonbyul said wrinkling her nose.

" DID YOU JUST CALL US POTATOES?!" Wendy shrieked.

"I also called you annoying and pathetic" Moonbyul said with a poker face.

They seemed like they wanted to argue more but had to rush back to their seats as the teacher entered the class. Ugh those three are such drama queens, I thought.

The boring class seemed to tag on forever. Finally the lecture ended and be and my besties headed over to the dance room to practise our choreography. I really love dancing and we three always practise dance routines to perform on stage.

 I really love dancing and we three always practise dance routines to perform on stage

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