1. Can We? (Knight!Bakugou)

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Summary: As a princess with no brothers, it is your duty to marry another royalty to maintain status.

After your mother dies, your father bids it time to find a husband and arranges for you to marry Prince Chisaki Kai from a neighborhoring kingdom.

Besides not wanting to be sold to a stranger, you have deep feelings for a certain blonde knight that has been by your side for as long as you can remember.



"You are to marry Prince Chisaki Kai in one month."

The words your father had said the night prior replayed in your mind as you lay in your king sized bed. Red and white pillows made of fine fabrics decorated the space around you. You were clothed in a loose, white, silk nightgown as you held a pillow close to your body. Your hair was sprawled out behind you and your maroon blankets were pushed down to your feet.

"How could I marry someone I haven't even met?" You mumble to no one.

The sun had risen and light from the window peeked through the curtains and spilled over your body. It was time to get up to start the day, but the thought of marrying a stranger kept your body heavy and you pushed your face deeper into your pillow.

The oak doors to your room were pushed open slowly and you groaned, rolling over. A pink haired woman peeked her head inside and huffed.

"My lady, what are you still doing in bed?" She asked, waltzing over to you. She stopped at your bedside and stood next to you putting her hands on her hips. "You are meeting the son from the Chisaki family today. Come, get ready."

You groaned again and looked at the woman wearing a long black dress with a white apron. "Mina, I don't want to get married," You said to your ladymaid.

The pink haired woman softened her face and sat beside you on your bed. She leaned over and grazed the back of her knuckles on your cheek. The feeling was nice as it reminded you of your mother who passed away years ago.

"I know, no one wishes to be pushed into a marriage," she said softly," but maybe you can learn to love him. Hm?" You relaxed into her hand as she rubbed your cheek and continued, "It's for the kingdom. This will unite the people for generations and put an end to the war."

At this, your body launched up, your ladymaids hand fell to her lap as you became heated,

"War?! The war has been over for years. My father just wants to ally us with another kingdom because he has no son to take over the throne!" Your breathing was rapid. "He has no use for me, I'm sure he will marry again soon and have a son with purpose." You're holding your hand to your chest, trying to calm yourself.

Mina sighed. She knew exactly what your father was doing, so it was hard to console you. The pinkette stood up and walked over to the vanity where she picked up a brush. She looked back at you, running her finger along the white mirror. Her eyes furrowed as if she had been thinking about her next words for a long time.

"Why don't you take the throne then?" she said. You stared at her, stunned. You narrowed your eyes and gathered the sheets below you in your hands. You couldn't possibly do that. A woman on the head throne was unheard of. You looked away from your maid and down at your fingers. Could you do that? It would mean overthrowing your father because you know for a fact he would never step down on his own.

You were quiet for a moment before you picked your body up and sat in front of the pinkette while she began to brush your hair. "You think I could take over the throne?" you asked. Mina smiled at you through the mirror. She delicately took locks of your hair and began to comb through before she spoke. "I have known you since you were young. I know you can do anything you set your mind to." You looked at her as she hummed with her eyes closed, continuing to work at the knots in your head.

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