4. One Night (Husband!Bakugou)

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Summary: You make dinner for you and your husband.



"Ouch!" You yelped, backing away from the stove top as the oil jumped up to bite your fingers.

You grimaced and stretched out your hand, holding a spatula, to flip the seasoned fish in the pan. You turned the heat down to low and wiped your hands on your apron.

You moved over to the cabinet that held the dinnerware and opened the white cabinet doors. You brought out two plates and four glasses and placed them on the granite counter.

Smiling while looking at the tableware, you admired the cherry blossom flower design embedded into them that you loved so much. You had gotten the set as a gift from Mina on your wedding day. You wanted to hang it on the wall as a decoration, but went against it, thinking they would be better used practically.

The sound of the oven going off snapped you out of your nostalgic daze and you opened the drawer in front of you to grab grey oven mitts. Tucking a loose hair behind your ear you put the gloves on.

You then opened the oven and the heat that burst out made you close your eyes. When it cooled a bit, you let out a breath and opened your eyes. You pulled the tray out from the oven revealing it to be asparagus.

You smiled when you saw how well it turned out, "It looks so good" you exclaimed aloud to yourself. Noting the seasonings had done a great job giving it a garlic smell.

You threw off the oven mitts and turned off the oven along with the stove top. As you let the fish cool, you set the plates with the vegetables and grab the rice you made earlier out of the fridge.

Popping it in the microwave, you filled two glasses up with water and two more with grape juice. You giggled at the thought of drinking non-wine out of a wine glass, but it had to be done.The microwave beeped when finished and you supplied a good portion of rice and asparagus to each plate. You took the fish out, salmon to be exact and added that to the plate as well.

You left the pan on the stove top, "I can deal with that later." You mumbled to yourself.

You brought the plates and the glasses to the dining table in the small apartment that you lived in.

When you had everything on the table you stepped back and smiled widely. You looked over to the side table next to the table. Riddled with decorations and picture frames.

You walked over to pick up a wooden framed picture. Rubbing your thumb over your own face. You looked so pretty here. And the white dress that adorned your body almost moved you to tears.

You looked at the man beside you in the picture in the black suit looking at the you in the photo and smiling. You looked down at yourself and your smile faded,

"I wonder if I'm still beautiful to him," you whisper. You sigh, holding a hand to your stomach.

Strong arms wrapped around you and you gasped,

"I think you are still as beautiful as the day I met you" a deep voice cooed. His head rested on your shoulder.

You retained your smile and patted him on the head, "Ready to eat?"

The man responded with an agreeing sound and lets you go. He touched your stomach and sighed, "You should have let me help you"

You shook your head, "I'm pregnant, not handicap."

The man laughed, grabbing some silverware from the kitchen drawer.

"Fine, fine"

He sauntered back over to you after placing the utensils down on the table and kissed your forehead. "Love you."

You smiled, "Back at ya Katsuki."


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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2023 ⏰

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