In The Dark

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So...this is what it feels like. Never understood the feeling before since I'd never experienced it. I know...the eerie bone-chilling feeling slowly creeping into my body. My senses overclocking and going out one by one. Touch, smell, taste, sound, and sight. All slipping away from me with each passing second. What felt like eternity...was in reality only a matter of seconds.

Now I understand...

This is what it feels like to die.

I woke up with a gasp and jolted upright. I looked around confused finding myself in a hole. "Where am I?" I asked jumping out. I couldn't remember the last thing to happen to me. I just remember darkness...and cold. I furrowed my brows. "IZZY!!" I exclaimed with wide-eyes.

I searched for my stele and pulled it out my back pocket before marking a rune on my forearm. I became glamorized and hid myself from any unwanted attention. Luckily, I did or I would have been spotted by someone. I ran out of the building and headed back to the Clave.

"I have to warn them. But first...I need to know if Izzy is okay!" I told myself running as fast as I could.

I entered the decrepit church hours upon hours later. I looked around out of breath before watching Jace, Alec, and Izzy talk about a target that was a shapeshifting demon. "Guys?" I sounded. The three looked at me cautiously and furrowed brows. "Who the hell are you?" Alex asked me. "What are you talking about?" I questioned taking a step forward. "I wouldn't do that if I were you." Jace voiced holding up a Seraph blade. I put my hand up. "'s me. Henry." I said. "We don't know a Henry." Izzy asked coking from around Alec and Jace.

"Et tu, Isabelle?" I asked as my eyes began to water. "We have an intruder." Alec announced. "No, wait! I'm not!" I exclaimed as a group of Shadowhunters came around the corner. "Wait!" I shouted before one of them swung at me. I dodged out the way and slammed my fist into their gut. "I don't! Want to fight you!" I exclaimed blocking and evading their attacks before unsheathing my pair of retractable steel escrima sticks from behind my back. A specialty of mine.

The fight went on longer than I wanted before I slammed the metal baton into the face of one of the oncoming Shadowhunters and merged the batons into a bo staff and swung it around to everyone back. That is until Izzy used her whip and knocked me to the floor. I rolled to my feet and ripped the metal whip off of me. "I'm not...your enemy." I spat. "Then why fight?" Jace asked. "YOU ATTACKED ME!!" I argued rising to my feet before shaking my head. "Nevermind. This whole fucking thing is pointless. You'd never be able to remember anyway. To you...I don't fucking exist...might as well keep it that way." I said before disappearing and walking out the Clave.

The Lost Hunter ⚔️IZZY LIGHTWOOD⚔️Where stories live. Discover now