The Demon Club

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I ran down the streets of Manhattan and looked around. "They...they didn't remember..." I breathed. I looked up at the blinking neon lights above me. PANDEMONIUM. Which every few seconds would blink to show "DEMON". I went to run inside before bumping into someone. "Hey, watch it!" A girl voiced. "Sorry." I said. Her hair was fiery red.

"Cool tattoos." She told me. "They're not—nevermind." I stated before walking into Pandemonium.

I walked through the tightly packed Downworlder club sending the presence of powerful Downworlders nearby. I headed to the bar. "Get me the strongest drink." I told the bartender. "So...I wouldn't usually think a place like this was your thing." She told me. "It's not...but I needed a place not filled with Mundanes." I voiced downing the whiskey. It tasted off but I ignored it. "So...if you don't mind. I'll take the bottle of whatever this shit is and be on my way." I told the bartender. She handed me the whiskey bottle and I walked away. "Enjoy." She called out. I waved back to her over my head.

I walked to a crowded table before setting down my bottle of whiskey. "Move." I spat. "No. Find someplace else, asshole." A man told me. I grabbed him by the back of his shirt and lifted him into the air before pinning him to the wall. "Do. NOT. TEST ME." I spat before I watched his eyes glow bright blue.

"You made a mistake coming here, Shadowhunter." He added. "I don't think so..." I said before turning him around and throwing him across the bar. I looked at the others. "Either you can get up or I can do it for you and break your legs when I do." I threatened. They got up before walking away. I took a seat and put my feet on the table.

I could sense a presence nearby. I sat motionless as I watched Jace, Alec, and Isabelle walked passed me. Isabelle looked at me before I glanced away and kicked off the table and disappeared out of sight.


I watched the mysterious boy with squinted eyes. He looked familiar to me. I knew him from somewhere. I grabbed the glass he drank from before my eyes glowed yellow briefly. I muttered an incantation before I was interrupted. "Hope...I would prefer you didn't spell our customers, darling." Magnus voiced from behind. I turned around and faced the warlock with a smile. "Don't smile at me. I caught you. And there's nothing you can do about it, sweetheart." Magnus stated motioning towards the glass in my hand. "I saw the look in your eye when he walked in, Magnus. You recognized him. You know him. And so do I. But you don't know from where. I'm the only other person in the world who has experienced something like this before." I explained.

"Experienced what?" He asked. "Being forgotten...because of Mali-." I answered before Magnus covered my mouth. " not speak...about that monster." Magnus whispered. He pulled back before regaining his composure. "How do you know he survived that monstrosity?" He asked. "Because he's the one that destroyed it." I answered as I looked at the Shadowhunter. "Ah... the famous Slayer of Darkness."  Magnus voiced looking him over. "Fascinating." He added before walking away.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 01, 2022 ⏰

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