When you have your first kiss

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Ponyboy: Pony took you to watch a sunset for your first date. And just before the sun dipped under the horizon, he gave you a sweet kiss.

Johnny: you and Johnny were stargazing, where you said, "Johnny those stars are beautiful!" He looked over at you and smiled. "Not as beautiful as you." Then he gave you a shy and gentle kiss.

Soda: you pulled into the DX to fill up your tank. Soda came out to help you. After he finished filling your tank up, you went to pay him. "It's on the house," he said, flashing you his movie star grin. "There must be some way I can pay you." "There is." He leaned over and kissed you passionately.

Darry: you brought Darry lunch one day while he was working. And to thank you, he gave you a sweet but passionate kiss.

Two-Bit: both of you were having a lazy day, watching a Mickey marathon. And durning one episode, Minnie gave Mickey a kiss. "Hey Y/N," Two-Bit said, smirking. You looked over at him. "What?" "Minnie kissed Mickey." "And...?" "You're my Minnie, so kiss me." Without thinking twice, you leaned up and connected your lips.

Steve: you baked Steve a cake. And as he was eating it, he got it all over his face. You were giggling at the sight. "What?" he asked, swallowing his cake. "You got icing all over your face." "Get it off," he said smirking, knowing you'd kiss it off.

Dally: you both were at a party at Buck's. Dally was talking to Buck while you sat on the couch. Before you knew it, a drunk Soc came over and started flirting with you. Dally saw and rushed to your side, kissing you rough and claiming you as his.

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