Author's Note

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Trigger Warnings
This "book" contains violence, mentions to/depictions of war, romance, alcohol, religious imagery, blood, manipulation/gaslighting, and general angst.

Also, by romance I just mean romance in general, like fluff. I won't be writing 'smut' (unless you so popularly demand it, in which I have no choice uvu)

I hope you can read enchantment table. I learned to read enchantment table recently (won't say why), and I thought it'd be fun to torture my friends. Good luck with translations.

I'm actually not feeling well to write romance, but I'm doing it anyway because hahahahah.

As you may have noticed, this is not the original "Seasonal Luev" that I made for shits and giggles. Rather, this is more like a slightly more serious spin off (not that it is serious, just a slightly better storyline). THIS IS AN AU IN AN AU HAHAHAHAHA

Chapters are loosely based on songs, or moods of songs. Songs will be credited at the end of chapters.

Lastly, in this timeline that I've created, the four main characters (Milo, Aridith, Jack and Armedes) are going to be a little different in terms of their original personality bc it makes for better story. Also, Jack and Armedes are divine beings. Also, the feywild bout ended in a completely different unnamed character winning for Summer Knight (just to get that out of the way).

Btw: Armedesdaeri and Night of Bells are two separate people. ;)

The guild is not as prominent in this story, but it still exists. Most lore outside of Baldur's remains the same. DnD cannon lore (as a whole) will be altered, by I'll do my best to explain it when it seems appropriate uvu

last thing, chapters are best read in dark mode uvu

With that being said....

Here we fucking go.

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