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Milo watched in horror as Makaria drew what he could only assume is a teleportation circle. His fist trembled, skin turning purple and knuckles near white. He inhaled shakily. 

Rosemary, another firbolg, stepped away from the group momentarily. He approached Milo and gave him a soft smile. "We'll keep him safe." He whispered. 

The words from Rosemary calmed Milo. He exhaled and unclenched his fist. "Thank you..." He mumbled, looking off to the side with a timid blush on his face. He needed Aridith to be safe.

Rosemary nodded, feeling as if his purpose was done. His chest rose with a deep breath as he straightened his back; his head grazing the roof of the ship. 
This druidic man was a very pale blue. He stood taller than everyone in the room, at ten feet exact. His hair had been adorned with a variety of wooden beads, each strand of beads were a different color (from red to brown to soft blue). His tawny colored hair flowed behind him, restrained only by the beads in his hair. He wore a blue ruffled long sleeve shirt and dark green cotton pants. His cloak was a warm grey color that had white flower embroidery trailing up from the bottom. Due to the size of Rosemary, he had a large wooden staff near him that he used as a walking stick to lessen the back pain he experienced. 

"Righ', ga'her around. We ar' going to begin th' mission. Ev'ryone, put a hand on Makaria." Hawthorne rounded up the party. 

Olrok was the first to grab Makaria's hand. He smiled brightly at her.
Olrok was one of Issiah's adoptive sons. He was the second half-orc on the mission. He was bulkier than Aridith, and a similar intellect to Night. He wore glimmering silver armor and wielded a glowing double-edged sword. Olrok had two different colored eyes; the left eye was brown, while the right eye was a soft blue. The top right of Olrok's face was discolored and scarred red, opposed to his natural green skin. 

Tunak grabbed Makaria's other hand. He radiated determination. His claws enveloped hers by a lot.
Tunak was a dragonborn with impressive strength. He was just an inch shy from being as tall as Night, (Tunak being seven feet, one inch). Red scales covered every inch of his body, from the tip of his snout to the claws on his feet. In his other hand, he held on to a dangerously sharpened axe, comically known as the TunAxe. 

Night and Aridith held on to Makaria left arm, simultaneously holding on to each other.

Kaas placed a hand on Makaria's right arm. 

Rosemary and Hawthorne placed their hands on each of the tiefling's shoulder.

The party looked back towards Milo, some smiling lightly while others sneered. 

The sigil beneath them began to glow in a bright radiant light, akin to a paladin's Divine Smite. The runes seemed to peel off of the floor and spin around the group. The light grew brighter, enough that Olrok was convinced the light could be seen outside of the ship. The very room trembled, knocking glasses and stools over. 

Issiah and his older blood-son, Ezekiel, walked in with mild concern. 
"Oi! The hell is doin' this to m' ship?" He looked about, putting his hand on the wall for support; Though, the wall granted none. 

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