Chapter 2: Home

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Deans eyes widen.

"Wait! So you're she has no memory of you or me or of anyone!" Dean yelled.

"Yes. The doctor said that there was an 85% chance this might've happened so we should've been expecting it. Now Dean please stop with that yelling of yours. The hospital is going to end up kicking you." She demanded.

"So who are you again?" I asked again.

"Oh, sorry dear. I'm your mother. And this young man here is Dean, your childhood best friend. He drove all the way here just to see you." She explained.

Childhood best friend?


A man with a long lab coat walks in. He looks a little older. He has wrinkles all over his face and white, long hair all gel backed.

"Hello Ryan, nice to see you're awake. I'm Dr. Scott. I'm your doctor." He greet in a deep but gentle voice.

"When do you think she'll be able to check out doc?" My so-called mother asked.

"By the looks of it. She'll be able to check out in a about week. We just need to examine her head again and see how bad her amnesia is." He explained to her.

My head hurt. I reach up to my side of my forehead. Their was a long cut down my forehead. Stitches cover it.

"Careful Ryan." Doc panicked.

I lowered my hand back down to my lap.

How long have I been asleep?

How could I not remember my own Mother?

What's happening to me?


Five days later....

It's been five days. Or I think that what they said. I've already had to have four x-rays and an MRI. Along with a special therapy talk to see about my amnesia. They said that their uncertain about me getting my memories. Some may be lost forever but at least most will return. But it was uncertain how long it would take.

Mother was worried. She tried not to show it though. But I could see it in her eyes. She was scared and worried.

I lay there in my hospital bed. Staring at the ceiling. Maybe if I stared at it long enough, I would get lost in it. Me lost in another world, in another universe. Maybe that's where my memories are!

Dean has been here since I've woken up. I actually have woken up everynight and when I do, I see Dean sleeping on teh chair beside my bed when he specifically tells my mom that he'll leave once he sees I have fallen asleep. But he never does. Instead, he just ends up falling asleep.

I notice something about Dean. A necklace he has wore the whole time that he's been here. It's a tiny little bottle, as small as the top part of my thumb. And it's filled with sand. I don't know what it is about it but I feel hypnotized by it. I've been thinking about nonstop and I don't know why.

But still I wonder....

What happened through these six years taht I've been gone?

How has my family lived through this nightmare of never see me again and then realizing I've been alive all this time?

What did this kidnapper do to me?

How much have I really lost?


Two days later.....

We're pulling up to the driveway to the place where I've supposively gew up in. It has two stories. The house what a fainted yellow, like sunshine being faded away, and the rims of the roof was white like snow.

"Here we are sweetie! Our home! Your father has been getting the house ready for your arrival. And Dean is here too." Mom says.

As I get out of the car I can smell the freshly cut grass. In the backyard there is nothing but miles and miles of forest.

"Does any of this look familiar?" Mother asked anxiously.


I can't remember any of this. Nothing is familiar here. I feel lost. I want to go back to the hospital. Where I woke up. It all feels better there.

I walked up the steps and inside. It smells really great in the kitchen. As I walk in I see a man cooking. He's really tall with brown hair with grey starting to show.

"Honey! We're here!" Mother shouts.

The man turns around. He stares at me such a long time. I can tears start to form. He walks towards and wraps his arms around me.

"Welcome my sweet baby girl." He says with tears starting to run down his tan cheeks.

Dean is there, in the kitchen. He watches as my father hugs me tightly. His necklace. The necklace that I'm so addicted to staring at.

What is it about this necklace that I'm so drown to?

We sat around and the dining room table and began eating dinner. Dean joined us for dinner.

We sit together awkwardly around the table. The only noise being made was the sound of the silverware hitting against the plates.

Father finally broke the silence.

"So does any of this seen familiar to you?" He asked.

I stayed silent.

"Harry! There's no need to rush her! When she remembers something she'll tell us!" Mother yelled. We stayed in silence a little longer.

A we finish eating I say that I'm really tired.

"Well let's have Dean show you the way to your room." Father said.

I follow Dean upstairs to my room.

The bedroom was a faint blue color. There were picture frames everywhere on the walls. Some were pictures of mother and father, some of other people, but most of them were pictures with Dean and I. Some of these pictures were from when we looked like toddlers.

"This is it. Exactly the way you left it... Well, with some cleaning." Dean commented.

"Thank you." I murmured.

"No need for that, I'm glad to help you. I mean you've always helped me, it's the least I can do." He said to me.

"I did?"

"You always did. That's actually how we met."

He paused. I could see the guilt and shame in his eyes. I don't know why he looked like this.

What was it that he feels guilty about?

Dean unfolds my covers. I slowly hop in and Dean gently tucks me in.

I close my eyes. Dean turns off the lights and walked back up next to me. He leans down, close to my face. I can feel his breathe carefully stroking my neck.

He kisses me on the forehead.

"Sweet Dreams, Ryan."


Hey Dreamers!!

I hope you liked Chapter 2, I hope it wasn't too boring. I'm sorry if it was, I've been suffering for WBS (Writers Block Sydrome) and I've been having a hard time putting this together, alon with my other books. But I hope you somewhat enjoyed it and pay attention to close details because they'll be important later on.

Also dreamers, I know I'm writing about a bit of a touchy subject so if you've been through something like being raped or sexually assaulted, I'm here if you want to talk, I always respond to any message I get, NO MATTER WHAT!!! You can either message me on wattpad, Direct Message me on Instagram (my username is the_lost_dreamer___ with 3 underscores), or you can e-mail me (my e-mail is And I WILL listen, I promise I will, and I can help you in any way that I can.

I'm always here for you Dreamers <3!!!!!

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