Chapter 3: The Man in the Dark

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There's nothing but darkness, pitch black. Nothing but a mist of the darkness. I journey through the great dark abyss, hoping I an find a door, a light, anything that can help me get out of here. Fear grows within my chest as I walk through the darkness. I feel something is watching me. Creeping upon me and my every step, listening to every single breathe I take, waiting for the right time to approach me, but I'm hoping that it doesn't.

Then I see it, it's lights up on the ground, I move closer to it. It's a tiny bottle, no bigger than my thumb. It's has a sting connected to it. It's a necklace, like the one Dean was wearing. But this one has been dropped, it broken into tiny pieces and the sand that was once in it has been scattered all around the darkness of the ground.

"AHHHHHH!!" I heard someone yell. It was a little girl. It sounded like me.

"NO, STOP!!" The voices echoed as if I were in a cave.

"PLEASE NO!! DON'T!! AHHHHH" The woman's echoeing voice hit me like a hammer.

I run. I run and don't stop. But the echoeing voices keep on growing. Louder and louder.

When will it end?

Why won't it stop?

Why won't it leave me alone?!

"You belong to me now." I heard a man's voice. It was deep and evil. The words slithered into my ears like a snake.

I dropped to the ground. My heart was racing.


Like a drum.

"Please, just leave me alone!" I cried.

"You belong to me now." He slithered again.

The hairs on my back stood up. Goosebumps crawled all over my body. My body shakes like a dabbler.

The man repeats it slithering-like words.

I lean forward and crawled into a little cocoon.

"Please, Leave me alone."

"Leave me ALONE!"

"Leave ME ALONE!!"


I screamed and screamed, but no one can hear me.

Suddenly someone is shaking me. I open my eyes and I'm in my bedroom. Dean is right infront of me.

"Ryan?! Thank god you're awake! Are you okay?!" He skrieked, fearful.

I'm still shaking, sweat is dripping down my body, it hard to breathe right now.

"I'm okay." I lied, sounding a little out of breathe.

He started to smirk.

"What's so funny?" I snapped.

"I just it's funny. Even after six years I can still tell if you're truly okay or not." he explained.

We stayed silent for a long moment.

"I'll go make get you some breakfast. I'll back as soon as I can." He said and headed downstairs to the kitchen.

I lied back down. Thinking about the horrid nightmare I had to endure.

What the hell was that dream all about?

Why was there a broken necklace that looked exactly like Dean's?

Who was that man?

I stare at my ceiling. Little glow-in-the-dark star were stuck to the ceiling. They were scattered all across the ceiling, they're so pretty. I wonder what I thought of them when was little.

I head downstairs. Dean is just finishing up cooking breakfast. I sit at the dining room table and wait for Dean. When he walks out he carrying two plates of pancakes. He lays one in front of me.

We eat in silence. Doing nothing but cutting and chewing on our pancakes. When we're done he put everything away while I just sit there. I stare blankly at the table.

Why is he here?

Where are my "parents"?

I keep staring at the wooden table. I don't know what to do. I follow marking of wood, the loops, the swirls, they looked so pretty.

"Your parents are at work, but I promised I'd be here to watch you and help." Dean said.

I looked up at him. At his bright green eyes. And there it was again. The shame and guilt in his eyes. It killed me inside to see it.

"Help with what?" I asked.

"Your memory. I'm gonna take you somewhere that may help bring some memories back."

"Oh, okay." I said, looking at down at the table.

Can I trust him? I mean, he is supposedly my "childhood best friend". Or that's what my parents said. But I don't even know if they really are my real parents.


We walk out. I start to walk towards the car but Dean stopped me.

"Where we're going. We don't need a car." He said and then he motioned to follow him.

I followed him across the side of the yard and into the woods.

Why are we here?

What's he going to do?

He stopped and turned.

"Here we are." He said.

"Where would that be?"

"Where it all happened."

I froze. This is where is all happened? Where my life changed. The life I can't even remember.

"This was where we basically grew up. When we were little kids, we would always come out here to play and have the funniest time." He said.

I looked around. Everything felt weird. I felt like I've been here before. But I don't know how or why. I walked up onto a tree that had been tipped over. I walked back and forth of it as Dean watched me.

I started to feel someone watching us. Like someone in the shadows, lurking about, I looked around but I didn't see anyone. There was no one here but Dean and I. I staretd to feel anxious. I hopped off the fallen tree and went closer to Dean.

"Is there something wrong?" Dean asked.

"Uhh.....No, not at all." I told him.

"No you're not. And I know why." He smirked at me.

"So tell me, why wouldn't I be fine." I challenged him.

"Because, this was where it happened."

"Where what happened?" 

"This was where you were kidnapped."


'Sup Dreamer!

Hoped you enjoyed this Chapter! It took me a while to finish it.

Anyways, Great news! August 1, 2015 will be my 2 year anniversay on wattpad and I want to celebrate with you! On August 1 I will be broadcasting on YouNow. So make sure to leave a comment on any ideas on what I shoud say or do when broadcasting. And I will make sure to answer all your questions whether its relevant or irrelevant to the my books. 

Here is the link to my YouNow:

So make sure to follow me!

Thank you!

Later Dreamers!

Keep Dreamin'!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 29, 2015 ⏰

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