Chapter 1: Returning Home

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It was a cold Spring evening, and a certain boy with blue hair was sitting inside a monorail, with his MP3 player running songs from a rapper called 'Lotus Juice'.

"Due to a certain accident, the Monorail schedule has been greatly altered, we apologize for any inconveniences." A man's voice called out from the speakers.

"Next stop: Iwatodai."

The blue haired boy stood up from his seat, and went out of the Monorail.
He looks down at his phone to open his map, but the connection seems to be gone.

"Just great, I guess I'll have to find it myself then..."

The boy said with a sigh, while heading to the stairs. The moon was shining brightly, and the sky was... somehow green. There was blood everywhere you looked, and coffins standing in every corner.
But the boy didn't seem to be bothered, it looked like he was used to it. He noticed that his MP3 player has stopped working, and the whole city is dark.

"There goes my only form of entertainment." The boy whispered to himself.

He continued to search around the city, untill he stood still before a big building.

"I guess this has to be it." He said as he gently opened the door.

He took a look around the room. There were couches, a table, a fully equipped kitchen, and a reception.

'This must be the lobby...' he thought to himself, untill a voice suddenly interrupted the silence.

"So you have finally arrived. I've been waiting a long time."

A small boy said from the counter. He had grey-ish hair, and wore what looked like a black and white striped pajama. Before the blue haired teen could say anything, the kid snapped his fingers and stood in front of him, holding out a piece of paper.

"Please sign this, it's a contract." The kid said with a creepy little grin.

The paper said the following:

I chooseth this fate of my own free will, and I will abide by it at all times.

There was a blank to sign your name on, so the teen took out a pen and signed the contract.

'Makoto Yuki'

The kid snaps with his fingers again, and makes the contract disappear into thin air.

"So the contract has been sealed..." The kid said with a light chuckle.

"You know, time never waits."
"It delivers all to the same end, you can't just plug your ears and cover your eyes..."
"You, young man, who wish to safeguard the future, however Limited it may be..."
"You will be given one year."
"Go forth without falter, with your heart as your guide."

The kid said out loud, and then disappears into the shadows.
Makoto wanted to react, but just as he tried, another voice came from the stairs.

"Who's there?! Show yourself!"
A girl shouted, she wore a pink sweater and a small skirt.

"Wait, how are you..?" The girl asked with a surprised loo on her face.

"Don't tell me you're..." She hovers her hands over something that looks like a gun. It has the word "S.E.E.S." engraved on it.

"I'd be careful with that if I were you."
Makoto said casually, catching the girl by surprise.

"Takeba, wait a second!" Another girl's voice shouted from behind her.
She looked about the age of the first girl, she had long red hair, and wore a white blazer, a black skirt, and long black boots.

"I didn't think you'd arrive so late. My name is Mitsuru Kirijo. I am a third year student at Gekkoukan high." She said with a mature sounding voice.

"I believe you already know Takeba here. Her name is Yukari Takeba, she'll be a second year student from tomorrow onward, just like you."
She explained with a serious expression on her face.

"Who's he, Senpai?" Yukari asked with a confused look.

"I'm Makoto Yuki, i transfered here today." Makoto said with his usual poker face.

"It was a last minute decision to transfer him here, but to think he would arrive so late..." Mitsuru added.

"Anyway, it doesn't matter, Takeba, could you please show Yuki his room?" Mitsuru asked her, with an almost demanding voice.

"S-sure, follow me." Yukari said hesitantly. Makoto started following her, but stopped for a second to look at Mitsuru.

"You should head to bed as soon as possible, you must be very tired Yuki." She said with a slight smile.
Makoto just shrugged, and continued to walk up the stairs.

He found Yukari standing at the end of a long hallway.
He walks up to her, and she points to the door she stands beside. "This'll be your room. Heh, kind of easy to remember, since it's at the end of the hallway, right?" Yukari said with a small chuckle.

"Hey, I have a question... Did you notice anything... weird, while you walked over here?" She asked with a worried expression.

Makoto shrugs with his shoulders, and said: "Not that I'd know of."

"That a relief then..." Yukari sighed.

"Look, i know you probably have a lot of questions right now, but I promise we'll explain everything to you sooner or later, okay?"

'She says it like I don't know what going on' Makoto thought to himself.

"Oh, and about what happened a few minutes ago, don't tell anyone what happened there, alright?" Yukari asked him.

"Sure, I guess" Makoto plainly answered, as he opens the door to his room.

"Good night Yukari." He said, closing the door and heading off to bed.

Hello everyone!
I hope you enjoyed the first part of Persona 3: A Common Threat!
I really look forward to finally writing my first real story, and I really want to hear your feedback, so leave a comment telling me how you enjoyed it so far!
As always, untill next time, take care.


(978 words)

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