*"You belong to me." Blane McDonnagh x Fem!Reader

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Warning: contains unprotected sex. !!DON'T READ IF YOU ARE A MINOR!!

"Steff, have you seen Blane? I thought he was going to meet us at the car." Y/n said as she looked around. "Relax, tiny. He'll come to the car." Steff replied. Y/n looked around, before she rolled her eyes and saw Duckie coming their way. "Oh look. Mister 'Trying too hard to get a date with me' is coming towards us. Again." Y/n said to her brother. Duckie walked up to her and smiled, before opening his mouth. Y/n raised her hand, before looking at him. "Don't even try. I don't want to go out with you. And why do you even try? You know I'm way out of your league. You should try to ask Andie on a date." Y/n said. "So, stop trying, turn around and walk away." She added. "Sorry, I'm late. My history teacher wanted to talk to me about my essay." Blane said as he walked up to them. "You just missed the best show. Duck wanted to ask Y/n out again. But she told him that she's out of his league. It was hilarious."

Steff said as he threw his cigarette to the ground, before they walked to his car. "Did he?" Blane asked Y/n. "Yeah. But I'm not interested in him. Nor will I ever be." Y/n said as he wrapped an arm around her. "Andie talked to me." Blane said to Y/n. "Uhm, okay. What did she say?" Y/n asked. "She would like to see me outside of school." Blane replied. "As in, she would like to go on a date with you?" Y/n asked. "Sort off." "You can't go out with her. You're dating my sister." Steff said as he looked at him. "I know that and Y/n knows that. But Andie doesn't." Blane said. Y/n looked down at her hands. "But if you don't want me to go, I will not go." Blane said as he looked at her. "You already agreed to it?" Y/n asked. "Sort off." Blane said, as Steff pulled in the driveway. "Oh. Uhm, you can go." Y/n said, before she got out of the car and walked inside of the house. She went up to her room and locked the door. She could hear someone walk up to her door, before they knocked.

"Princess, can we please talk?" Blane asked. "Leave me alone, Blane." Y/n said. "Come on, princess. I wanna talk." Blane said as he knocked on the door. "Leave me alone. I don't wanna talk to you." Y/n replied. "You better leave, Blane. Just let her calm down." Steff said to his friend. She could hear Blane walk away. "Tiny, open your door." Steff said. "Leave me alone, Steff." Y/n replied. "What's wrong all of a sudden?" Steff asked. Y/n walked to her door and opened it. "Why does he wanna go out with Andie, while we're together?" Y/n asked. "I don't know. Out of pity is my best guess. But hey, you both agreed to not telling anyone other than me." Steff said. "I know." Y/n said. "And if you really aren't okay with it, you can tell him. He adores you and only you. You and I both know that he's not going to start anything with Andie, 'cause she's a bitch." Steff said. Y/n smiled, before she looked at him. "Should I tell Andie that Blane's mine?" Y/n asked.

"You could." Steff replied. "Can we go to the record store where she works tomorrow? With Blane?" Y/n asked. "Of course we can. If you talk to him." "Alright, fine. I'll call him later." Y/n said. She walked back in her bedroom, before she grabbed her phone. She dailed Blane's number laid down on the bed. "Blane speaking." Blane said as he picked up. "Babe, it's me." Y/n said. "Hey, princess." Blane replied. "Can you come over? I wanna talk." Y/n said. "I'll come later tonight, okay? Ma is making dinner." Blane said. "Okay. I love you." Y/n said. "I love you too, princess. And don't ever forget that." Blane replied. "I won't, babe." Y/n said, before she hung up. She got up from her bed, before she walked out of the room and went down. "Do you want me to make dinner?" Y/n asked her brother. "Sure. Mom and dad are still out of town and I don't want to eat fast food again." Steff said. "What is it you want to eat then?" Y/n asked.

"Something with that chicken that is still in the fridge." Steff replied. "I can make Teriyaki chicken with Rice, if you want." Y/n said. "Yeah, sure that's alright." Steff spoke, before he walked to the office. Y/n walked to the kitchen and made dinner for her and Steff. After 30 minutes, the food was finished and Y/n had placed two plates on the dinner table. "Steff, dinner's ready." Y/n called out, when the doorbell rang. She walked to the front door and opened it. "Hey, princess." Blane said as he looked at her. "Hey, baby, come in." Y/n said. "Steff and I are about to have dinner." She added. "Alright, I'll sit with you." Blane said as they walked to the dining room. "Didn't you wanna talk to Blane?" Steff asked. "Yeah, but we'll do that after dinner." Y/n said as Blane sat down. "Want something to drink?" Y/n asked her boyfriend. "Some water's fine, princess." Blane said as Y/n walked to the kitchen and grabbed a glass of water. She walked back to the table and gave Blane the glass. They ate dinner while talking. "We're going up to my room." Y/n said after dinner. "Don't do things I wouldn't do." Steff said as Blane and Y/n got up from their chairs. Blane grabbed Y/n's hand as she walked towards the stairs. "Princess, I'm sorry. If you don't want me to go on this date with Andie, you just have to tell me and I won't go." Blane said as he stopped and made her look at him by grabbing her waist. "I kind of don't want you to go. Because you're my boyfriend. I'm sorry that I didn't tell you that before." Y/n said.

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