The begining

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I need help. I know I do. I'm only nineteen and living in the projects. My moms a stripper and my dads a drug dealer. I know my dad rapped my mom. That's how I was born. My mom abuses me because I'm her downfall. My dad rapes me almost every night he comes home. When my mom hears it and she gets jelous. We had a threesome once. She abuses and abuses me.... I need help!
BLAT, BLAT, BLAT all I hear! "I wish you was ain't never born, little bitch I hope you die, your father is mine!" my mom shouts as she beats me. I scream and hope my dad comes home. even if he rapes me at least I don't have to feel the pain.

I know I have an aunt but she never comes around.her name is penny but we call her pebbles. I think she wants to help but just can't. she is very soft and sweet she just couldn't handle this environment. POW! My dad walks in. he saw what my mom was doing. "Kandy what are you doing!" He shouts
She comes and begs on her knees to him. "I'm sorry daddy please don't hurt her." he slaps her in the face. then he calls me with a sturn voice while my moms crying on the floor. "Come here" he smirked. I know he was about to rape me. it was time. I pouted and did as he said.
He guided me to the back room. he smiled and pulled me to his lap. I've gotten used to it by now but it was still awful. I felt his erection feeling ass. he asked "does it feel good" I started to cry. he tried to undress me but I stopped him. he grabbed my wrist and forced me on the bed.

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