Chapter 1

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Long ago the United States of America is a country of opportunity, freedom, and hope. In fact, the USA is still is because it's still alive. A few centuries ago, the USA is the dominant superpower of the world and has the largest military force ever surpassing China in 2025.  Then on October 23, 2077,  World War III broke out, and miraculously, the US, Canada, Mexico, and the Caribbean were spared during the war. This is the fact that Nuclear Missles broke out destroying every nation except for North America. As of today, the USA is the dominant hyperpower of the world. Dominating, the Air, Land, Sea, and Space. The US colonized Luna, Mars, and the Jovian Moons. One of the first colonies is named Armstrong named after the First American to land on the moon. Mars was colonized and terraformed and it was called Musk. Named after Elon Musk. The Jovian moons, moons such as Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto were colonized and terraformed into a green world of life. As of the present day, the USA, though isolated, they still do quiet operations in the outside world such as combating the White Fang. Compared to other terrorist organizations such as ISIS, the Taliban, or Al-Qaeda, the White Fang was more advanced but not as advanced as the USA. 


Unknown Island

 The US military is conducting an operation to combat the Last Remnants of the White Fang. The US President sent the 501st Infantry Divison force and the 502nd Infantry Division Force. One of the most powerful divisions to exist. Newly fighter jets called, F-20 Leviathan continues to bombard the Island trying to scare the last remnants of the White Fang. 

While the US had air superiority over the island, the US began sending in the 501st Division over to the island with newly advanced helicopters

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While the US had air superiority over the island, the US began sending in the 501st Division over to the island with newly advanced helicopters. They land on the ground and troops began to get out.

 They land on the ground and troops began to get out

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Commander: GO GO GO GO GO GO!

The COmmander shouted as they quickly rushed outside to begin an invasion of theirs. As they quickly advanced towards the island, they happen to run into White Fang soldiers, but eventually get shot down by the US newly issued rifle, NV4 Rifle. Some eventually raised their hand to surrender. 

As they advanced foreword to the Island, they managed to gain access to the entrance and began night vision seeing it was dark inside. They were encountered by other white fangs but all were shot down. 

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