Chapter 5

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US President Frost was standing in the middle of congress making a speech on updates about the world. Senators and Representatives of the states are listening to the President making her speech. They all applauded after she entered the room. Then she began to speak.

"Mr. Speaker, Mr.Vice President, members of Congress, First Gentleman of the United States....."

Frost said as she looked at her husband smiling down at her

"My fellow Americans. Today I wish to give you updates on what is going on between our nation and the rest of the world. We have successfully made peace with Menagerie. Also, we have allied with that nation and agreed to become trading partners." Frost said as she smiled

The audience clapped with happiness

"I would like to also thank our fellow Fauna-Americans for being in the military and helping us fight for our beloved nation. Now I would like to have the honor to give the mic to the new President of Menagerie. Please put your hands together for President Ghira Belladonna"

Everyone clapped again as he entered from the front entrance of congress. Ghira wasn't wearing his traditional outfit. Instead, he was wearing a suit and a tie. He entered as he waved his hand around the room and shook hands with other people as well. He then went up to the president and shook her hand. Then audience quiet down as he began to speak through the mic. 

"Thank you all. As the President says, I am President Ghira Belladonna of the Republic of Menagerie." 

This live event was also broadcasted all over Menagerie. The newly Menagerie Press and Media traveled to the United States to broadcast this memorial event.

"For the past years, we have been harassed by the Atlas government. Trying to enslave us because we were Faunus. That was until you guys made contact with us. I am truly honored for saving our lives. We are truly in America's debt." 

 The Speech he would make would only last about 10 minutes until he made his closing statement about coming to America for the first time along with his wife. 

"Thank you,  I hope I will enjoy my time here in America" 


Ghira sat back down in his seat as President Emily Frost goes back to the podium to make more announcements. 

"I would like to announce a new bill sponsored by Congress itself. The Bill is called The Anti-Discrimination Act against Faunus. Faunus who are living in the United States right now doesn't deserve harsh treatment anywhere in the world, so as President of the United States of America, I want to approve this bill to become a law." 

The Faunus-Americans who were watching this on TV were happy to see something. An Anti-Discrimination act against the Faunus of 21XX.

"So Congress has been discussing this, and we all agreed that this will be approved to be a law" Frost smiled

Faunus all over the United States were cheering and wooing. They were celebrating that a law like that will be passed. Back in Congress, Frost grabbed her pen and began to sign the bill. Once her signature is signed, it became a law.

Everyone was applauding after it was signed. President Frost lift the Bill up into the air to show that her signature was shown.  


After America made its debut to the world again, the news spread across Remnant about America being a pro-Faunus nation. Not everyone in each kingdom wasn't happy about this. 

The Atlas Council was discussing America being a pro-Faunus nation. Apparently not every council member wasn't agreeing to this. Jacques is also present in the meeting.

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