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The title looks weird but i dont look like this i just edited one of pewdiepies episode watch it here if u are allowed to hear bad words just slide to the side on the picture. Anyway i was born on november 18 2003 and was a easy delivery. I was cute and grew up tough. At one point i wanted to do karate but ended up playing baseball. I was very good and was a very fast runner. I soon grew out of it because i had been there for 2 years with surprisingly no losses! I wanted to quit but i figured i might as well do 1 more year. Thats when i lost interest i was playing with 4 year olds and i was 8 so i quit early. I wasnt doing anything for awile till i found out that we were moving. I was sad but i didnt cry i just thought about it and i remembered that we had got a cat from my moms friend. She didnt want it anymore because her daughters were allergic so my mom told her she knew someone who wanted it but she seen how sad we were to see it leave so she kept it. We finally moved and i decided i wanted to do tai kwon do so me mum took me some where close to my house and i ended up going there. I soon became really strong and athletic i got my yellow belt then my orange belt then my green! Im a brown belt now but at that rate i thought i would be a black belt in no time till blue came. It took 4 months instead of 2 months just to get the stinkin next belt whitch i did but seriously 4 months so now my life is pretty o.k now i getting kinda bored of karate but what evs. Im going miss my freinds because i just ended school and some of them are leaving but oh well theres nothing i could do about dat so yeah thats pretty much my life tell u more when i get more so haters this is for u "life is good you should get one"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2015 ⏰

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