Chapter 1

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"Hurry up boys we haven't got long now," Ashton started getting annoyed at Calum and Michael, reason being is that ashton had a date with a girl named Rose, but the thing was ashton had never been on a proper date before so the boys were going to go undercover and spy on ashton during his date.
"I cant believe this, I'm going to be late for what could be the most important date of my life!" Ashton had now started pacing up and down the hallway.
"I've put one of the biggest events of my life into the hands of..." Ashton is interrupted as Michael and Calum were now ready.
"O dear load" Ashton physically has no words for Michael or Calum.
"D'ya like it?" Calum asked,

"Do you have any idea how much this means to me?" Ashton was starting to get serious now.
"Chill out man, its just a joke," Calum and Michael obviously not seeing the grown up side of life.
"I've had enough of you two, stay here, I'll do this on my own..." Ashton grabs his phone of the table, and rushes towards the door, on his way out grabs his coat and then slams the door behind him.

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