Chapter 2

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"Deep breathes Ashton, you can do this." He was so nervous he began jumping around until he saw her...
She was a brunette, just like he had hoped. She had the deepest darkest eyes you could imagine and her smile could light up a room. She finally noticed him, smiled and gave a little laugh.
They kept the conversion very simple to begin with, just to get to know each other. Her name was Rose she was a little younger then him but he didn't perticulary mind. As the night went on they became closer by the minute, it was going swimmingly. Ashton had realised by now that he didn't need to depend on the boys anymore, he could begin to live a life outside 5SOS. And then his world came crashing down faster then he could say bye...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 03, 2015 ⏰

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