Part 18

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I'm not going to kill you. *whispers* Let's kill him Wilbur. -TommyInnit

I reckon if Obama met me he'd call me an inspiration. -TommyInnit

I'm the dancing queen Wilbur! -TommyInnit

I'm like Meryl Streep, but stronger. -TommyInnit

TommyInnit: They always get the smartest guys to do the dumbest work...Can I drink this?- Oh- no, that's fuel. Wilbur Soot: Oh- oh- oh- Tommy- Tommy here you go, drink this. There you go. It's a water bottle. TommyInnit: Is it fuel? I'm only- I'm on a fuel diet. Wilbur Soot: Fuel only. TommyInnit: I'm like the tin man from The Wizard of Oz. Glug glug glug. -TommyInnit & Wilbur Soot

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