Stubborn // Part 4

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I wrapped my arms around Eri. She was 6, turning 7 soon..
She was always crying when she came back. Why? Was she still not used to the pain, or did something else happen? As far as I could tell, we both had the same..
I stroked her hair slowly, hearing her sniffles die down as I began massaging her back. That should hopefully put her to sleep.. I hated to see her so upset, so hurt.
She was stubborn, she was. She always insisted on escaping, but I couldn't watch her try and get hurt.. without the Yakuza, we could be dead! I would be dead!

I smiled as I heard her soft snoring, before standing up, her in my arms as I placed her on my bed. She was getting bigger by the day, same with her horn. I turned when I heard the door creak open, placing one of my fingers over my mouth to shush whoever was there.
Chronos gestured for me to leave. I supposed it was my turn. Hopefully Eri wouldn't wake whilst I was gone. She would panic!
I followed him through the usual halls, waving at any of the members that passed us. As I was strapped to the chair, I took note of Nemoto in the background, who then approached as my arms and legs were unbandaged and slowly cut, blood being extracted.
"Izuku. Whilst your here, we thought we would ask you some questions.."
He knelt down, eye to eye with me before I felt his quirk aura surround me and I gulped.
"Have you dreamt of escaping yet?"
"No. You're my family, why would I?"
I smiled, before feeling a strange sensation in my arm and looking over at Overhaul, who had poured something into the wound.
"Has Eri ever told you about wanting to escape?"
I wanted to shut myself up. No, no, no, no. I tried convincing my vocal cords not to speak, but it wouldn't work.
"She has.. many, many times."
He inhaled sharply before muttering to Chronos.
"We should get her a babysitter.. maybe separate the two.."
I bit my lip, but that wouldn't stop me from yelling at them.
I glared at Nemoto, my eyes full of hatred before feeling a hard slap on my cheek from Overhaul.
"Don't yell at us Izuku. You know better than to be so rude."
"No. I won't listen to you. Not if you take Eri away."
Stunned silence. I could tell they were wondering where this anger came from. Overhaul sighed and, staring at me directly in the eyes, stabbed the scalpel as far as it would go, which happened to be through my entire arm, causing pain to shoot through me as I wriggled in the restraints around my wrists, screaming at them.
"He must have developed this from Eri."
I felt another harsh slap on my cheek, before Overhauls voice caused me to be quiet.
"Shut up Izuku. If you misbehave again, we're taking Eri away, so don't do this again. You've been so good these past years. If Eri misbehaves, that punishment will be the same. We'll separate you."
Just as I was about to speak back, a random thug, which had been standing outside of my room, bursted in.
"Sir! Eri's escaped!"

I widened my eyes before yelling at them.
"I'll get her! Just let me go?!"
They eyed me for a moment, seeing the desperate hints in my eyes, before getting rid of the restraints, watching as I sprinted down the hall.

I turned a corner and ran smack bang into her, staring down at her crying face.
"Zuzu! I- I heard you screaming! We should.. e-escape! N-n-now!"
She grabbed my hand and tugged me along, in which I followed with a hesitant glance behind my back. Even if I returned with Eri, there was no doubt they'd separate us. If we could escape..
I saw the ground behind us lift into spikes and hoisted Eri onto my shoulders, wincing once one of the spikes had stabbed into my ankle, but I kept going. The exit..
Where was it?!

I looked behind me and gasped at the amount of people following, before turning and stumbling as I was suddenly hit by Sakaki's overwhelming quirk, making me pause and stumble, before weakly running forward, shaking my head. I was so off course by being 'Sloshed' that I hit the wall once or twice, before excitedly yelping as I noticed stairs.
Stairs to the outside!
"Eri! We!-"
I suddenly fell down as multiple spikes pierced my legs, making me gape my mouth open in pain, only small whimpers coming from my mouth as I attempted to stand up, finding the weight of Eri was making that more impossible..
"Eri.. find a hero.. find somebody. Go."
I picked her up in my hands, before shoving her forward. She looked back at me with tears in her eyes. I could tell she wasn't running, so I grabbed her hand tightly, turning to stare up at the Yakuza members present.
"Izuku, Izuku. We trusted you.. remember what we said?"
Overhaul stepped forward, kneeling down to wipe a tear that had slid out of my eye. I gasped, hugging Eri immediately.
"Don't be stubborn. She's being a bad influence. In all your years, you've never been so horrible to us. Remember what we did for you?"
I only held her tighter as Chronostasis and Nemoto tried to tear her from my grip, to no avail. I had grown stronger.
Rappa, Setsuno, Mimic, Sakaki and Hojo appeared, staring down at my trembling state.
"Zuzu, let her go. We can play after!.."
Rappa stopped trying from one glare. I turned my back, Eri still in my arms.
"You can't take her. No. I-.. I won't help you anymore!"
Overhaul sighed, clearly annoyed as he tore off both of his gloves, coming closer to us. I whimpered and loosened my grip enough for Eri to be pulled from me.
"No! Eri!-"
I was stopped by a bare hand to my shoulder, shaking as he breathed calmly on me, stroking my cheek as he always did.
"You're our cures. As much as we want to let you go.. we need you, and you need us. Without us you could be dead, am I right?"
I stared up at him, deathly silent as I nodded. They were right. This was because we tried to run. If we did, we could be dead in days.. they were protecting us.. right? Yeah, yeah.
Eri didn't see it like that..

Eri was being stubborn.

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