Distance // Part 5

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I was silent all the way back to my room.

I was silent during a long lecture for trying to leave.

I was silent when they tried to play with me.

I was silent as I ate.

I was silent when I slept..

I woke, once again keeping silent as I stared up at the light above me. It felt so.. weird without Eri. I tried to observe the positives; I was no longer being influenced to run. That was good!

I hopped up from my bed, staring at my hands. It was always like this..
What if I stole everybody's quirks? I rubbed my sore wrists, wincing when I touched that one spot that Overhaul had shoved the entire scalpel down. I suppose I had.. misbehaved..

So it went on like this. We were just.. separated. Experiments continued, and I heard ever so often that Eri escaped, but never got far. 

A week before Eri's birthday--
I heard the soft knock on the door and, almost mindlessly, opened it, not expecting to see a short, blue-haired girl with a horn protruding from her forehead.
"Zuzu! C'mon! Lets go!"
She grabbed my wrist and, like what had happened months ago, dragged me through the hallways. My room was closer to the exit so we didn't have to wait as long, but I could already see Overhaul tailing us, walking menacingly. His eyes widened at sight of me and I panicked, nearly tripping over before speeding up, taking her in my arms.
"Eri, we're going to get caught.."
"No! Zuzu, look!"
I stared ahead of us, finally taking in the fact we were directly at the entrance. I used this chance to leap up the stairs, two at a time. The steps behind us sped up.
I crashed through the entrance, looking left and right. Left seemed to be the exit, so I booked it.

I was right!
I was exposed to midday sun, the warm wooden planks smooth against my bare feet. I looked around, my eyes widening at the beauty of the outside, before remembering our situation and running, ignoring any stares from passerby's. Then again, it must be strange seeing a short 16 year old boy with overgrown hair, carrying a small girl in a hospital gown, both looking absolute terrified. Don't forget the fact behind them is a bird-masked man, adjusting gloves on his hands.

I turned into a dark alleyway, trying to keep out of sight as I turned right, nearly tripping over a pile of litter as I looked behind me, not paying attention to what was ahead.

I hit something.. no, somebody. They stammered back and I felt Eri hold onto somebody else. I looked up to see a slightly enraged blonde with deep red eyes, next to another seemingly older blonde. The one Eri was holding onto seemed.. strangely familiar. Perhaps I had seen them on television.. when I was younger.
"Now, now, you two, we don't want to go around.. causing trouble for the heroes.. do we?"
I immediately tensed up as Overhaul entered into the light, placing one hand on my shoulder. I looked up at the dusty blonde boy, beginning to tear up.
He took notice of something, seeming hesitant as he stared at Eri's wrists. 
"Oi, bird beak, why do they both have bandages everywhere?"
Overhaul grabbed me by one of my wrists, causing me to wince as he applied pressure, yanking me back.
"Ah, they just like to play rough with each other. Izuku, I thought I told you to stop running around with your sister."
He looked back at me, trembling. I wanted to grab Eri, to beg the heroes, but Overhaul.. I had seen his quirk. It would be a quick second for the heroes to die.
"This doesn't look like playing rough. Why's she so scared?"
He pointed down at Eri, who was squeezing his hero costume tightly.
"Ah, she's just scared. She doesn't like me lecturing her for causing trouble. Right Izuku?"
I nodded quicker then ever, my mouth glued shut. I turned my fear towards the older male, who was gesturing for the heroes to go.. no.. please..
"Just a lecture? Why would she be so scared, hah bastard?"
The hero looked up, locking eyes with Overhaul. You could barely see through his calm and serious act, but he was angry. Very angry.
"Well, follow me, I don't like talking about family problems openly."
The heroes hesitantly followed him into the alleyway, me being dragged by his strong grip as I whined. Eri was with the heroes.
"Children are very hard to understand."
He looked behind him at the trailing heroes. Both were staring at me, whimpering as I was being pulled sharply along.

"..They feel like they can and will become someone."
He let go of me for a second and used his hand to slowly move his glove down. We both know what this means. Eri gasps as Overhaul turns his head.
"They seriously think that.."
Eri pushed herself away from the dusty blonde hero, who scowls in a way of concern as she joins up with us. I pick her up protectively, shaking as I tried to soothe her at the least.
"They're always like this. Sorry you had to listen to my problems too. Sorry for the trouble."
He placed one hand in my hair, patting it before using it to tug me along, as my hands were carrying Eri.
"Well, do your best at work."
He tugged us along, the heroes mumbling to each other before turning. No! Our only hope.. I knew Overhaul wouldn't be happy. We had escaped and shown ourselves to heroes.

I was correct. 
Overhaul shoved me down, trying to hide how truly pissed he was. One of the lower thugs came up to him, apologizing. Must of been babysitting Eri when she escaped. I turned her head away so she wasn't exposed to his quirk, watching as the man simply exploded.
"Chronos. Clean that up."
Chronostasis went to work, knowing how clean the boss wanted it. No speck. As we continued down the halls, Overhaul finally spoke.
"What you did was not acceptable. You nearly made me get my hands dirty. The heroes could have used you, or hurt you.."
He looked behind himself at us. That glare wasn't good.. oh no..
"I'll settle your new rooms. If you're going to do that, you'll keep distance, and you won't even have the chance to think about running."

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