I've Moved On

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Brooke Hyland opened one blue eye to examine the spectacular view around her. Aqua blue waves lapped at the shore, seagulls cooed, and a shimmery sun hung high in the sky. Brooke tipped her head back and let the sun soak into her olive skin. 

It was the day of her 18th birthday and she wanted nothing but to spend the whole day in peace at the beach. She was wearing her favorite purple banduea bathing suit, a gift from Paige, and her hair was thrown into a sloppy bun on top of her head. 

"Hey, B." Brooke heard someone utter her nickname and she snapped her head quickly towards the voice. "Oh, hi." Brooke said when she saw her ex-boyfriend, Brandon Pent, who she had broken up with because their relationship was getting too serious. "Happy Birthday! Your finally an adult." Brandon said. "Thanks." Brooke replied, avoiding eye contact by tracing her name in the white sand. "I brought you something." Brandon told her, sticking a carefully wrapped blue box under her nose.

Brooke sighed and cautiously excepted the gift. She wasn't sure what to expect all she knew was that she didn't want to be around Brandon at the moment. He had so many different personalities that it was hard to tell when he was going to be sweet and when he was going to be a total jerk to everyone.

Brooke carefully unwrapped the paper and pulled the lid off the box. Inside lay a silver chain with a pretty purple pendant haning off of it. Brooke smiled as she delicately pulled it out of the box. "Thanks, Brandon! It's really pretty!"

"I'm glad you like it." Brandon grinned. "Do you mind if I sit down for a minute?" He asked. "No, not at all." Brooke replied as he took a seat next to her in the sand.

Brooke's iPhone lit up and she noticed a text from her boyfriend, Tommy, that read 'Happy Birthday, babe! I can't wait for dinner tonight <3' but she locked the phone before Brandon could read the text.

"I miss you, Brooke." Brandon said. Brooke stared at the sand and didn't say a word. The two watched the tide rise and fall as the sun began to dip behind the brilliant, blue horizon.

"I need to go. I'm going out to dinner with, uh, Paige." Brooke lied, standing up. "Okay." Brandon replied, standing up as well. 

Brooke gathered her things but waited before leaving. "I know you're not going to dinner with Paige." He said. "Yeah." Brooke replied. She gave him an awkward hug and he started to walk away but Brooke said something that made him pause for a moment.

"I know you care about me, Brandon, but I've moved on."

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