Chapter 3: A Little TLC

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Adalie joins her parents at the dinner table, fixing their plates. She smells the aroma of roasted veggies, homemade sweet rolls, and pesto pasta. Her mother smiles at her, "So, how was your day sweetheart? Did you make any progress?" Adalie lifts her head as she eats, "I did, and my day was pretty good." She tries to eat quickly so her 'patient' doesn't wait too long and he father chuckles, "Hungry eh?" Adalie giggles and once they were all finished, Adalie sneaks a separate plate and places some food onto it, and quickly goes back to her cottage as her parents clean up. 

She knocks on the door and she hears a muffled, "Come in." She walks inside and sees Elk on the bed, looking at her and she gives him the food, "Here, you must be very hungry." The smell of the food filled his nose and he eats the food up quickly, but not too fast to choke. Adalie giggles, "My my, you must've been hungry." She watches as he bites into the sweet roll, "Mmmm.....this is sooo good. So warm, so sweet. I don't remember the last time I had a warm meal." She smiles as she sits next to him as he eats and touches his back, and he flinches from the wound, and she notices a couple dirt stains and that the bandages were already getting red from the blood, "After your done, we should get you cleaned, that way I can get a set of new bandages for you and you feel much better. 

Elk nods and he finishes the sweet roll, and she sneaks him outside to clean him up. She grabs some water and has him pour it onto himself after removing his bandages and she grabs a soapy washcloth and hears him breathe heavily, "Holy cow, it's cold." His hooves stomp on the grass and she helps calm him down, "Sorry, sorry. It's all we got. I'm sorry." She hands him another cloth and he cleans himself up and she helps get his elk part of him and his back, being very careful around the wound. She helps rinse him off and then grabs a large nearby towel and dries him, and they sneak back, trying not to make a sound.

Once he was dried off, he sits on Adalie's bed and she puts the ointment on both sides of him where the wound is, and rewraps it and smiles, "There. How do you feel?" Elk turns his head, smiling, "So much better."  The stars twinkle outside and he looks at her, "So where do I sleep?" Adalie goes to him, "Well...I feel like it's best if you sleep here, since no one knows you're here...if you're okay with it..." He nods, "I don't mind at all. I just want you to feel comfortable instead of feeling nervous." She nods and turns out the light and lays down on the bed and he lays next to her. The blanket kept them both warm and Adalie yawns softly, and she was facing the elktaur as he drifts to sleep quickly.

She gently touches his antlers, and then his cheek as he sleeps, before feeling him shift a bit, drawing her hand back quickly. Adalie scoots a little closer to him, feeling very astonished, "I've never been this close to an elktaur before...let alone see one. He looks...gosh words can't describe this feeling...What happened to him before he became the Nowhere King?...does anyone knows that he is?...cuz everyone only saw him as that large deer skull black monster, not like this...." Her eyes felt heavy and she falls asleep next to him, as the crickets chirped in the distance outside their cottage.






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