𝒯𝒽ℯ ℒ𝒶𝓈𝓉 𝒫𝒶𝓇𝓉

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In the Main North Pole Office- 

Father Christmas himself is overseeing the giant holographic globe in the center of his office. Every Christmas day, he can't help but look over at the 2.2 billion children waking up to find gifts. It warms his heart to see that the children, older and younger, believe in him. But for old times sake, he may go off of his assignment to look at how the adults are doing. If there's a summarization of how every adult is, some are inhumane, but some are very humane, it goes half and half. But what every adult gets a habit out of is not believing in Santa Claus anymore, but he doesn't let that stop him and the magic. 

Hang on a second... Santa happens to spot a young man who's... depressed. Curious. He touches the globe with his finger and it cast a large-screened playback of this scene. The man was looking for... His best friend. He was holding lost dog papers, driving through town, people were refusing to help him and that was making him sadder, and the final scene of him was him crying inside his car, and then starting his car to finally drive home, which would be quite a long drive since he's in another district...  Santa was doing some deep thinking until a female elf employee, who had a position in the stables entered the office.

Elf: *panting* Sir? 

Santa Claus: Yes? 

Stables Elf: Sir, I found out that the sleigh team haven't left the stables at ALL today!... It's in aviation protocol that the reindeer exercise about two times daily and they should know this!... I think... This has been since they refused to leave the wolf's side. You may have to come down there.

Santa Claus: *smiles* I think I might know why. Very well.

???: I'm coming along too.

A voice was heard from behind, and out came Mrs Claus; the old wife of Nicholas, and she still has that young spunk more than ever.

Mrs. Claus: I've been hearing from the staff that there's a wolf in our workshop and I just have to see it for myself. I'm coming along.

Santa knew just how stubborn his wife can be, so not saying anything, he lets her follow.

In the stables-

Making their way inside, Santa and Mrs Claus see that 7 of the reineer stayed in their pens, but the only one who had it open was Donner, because he too was accompanied with by his mate. The same things sure do happen when you're Santa's favorite reindeer. The female walks up to the Claus couple.

Mrs. Donner: Thank heavens you're here. My husband went to go and find me, so I joined him and his friends to help comfort the visitor. It looks like he won't move or talk and well... Just have a look...

And Santa Claus did. The deer was right. The wolf was right there, looking down and depressed with a dry tear streak down his muzzle, lying down perfectly still. Mrs Claus puts a hand over her mouth feeling so much sympathy, and looks at her husband hoping he could do something...

Santa Claus: Nightclaw? *he kneels next to him* I know what's troubling you.

Nightclaw moves his eyes towards the man.

Santa Claus: Yes... It's your owner, Hickory.

Nightclaw lifts his whole head up at hearing his best friend's name.

Santa Claus: He misses you very much. I overlooked him from above, he's searched for you all over his town, and he's so exhausted from the sadness.

Nightclaw: Really?...

Santa Claus: Indeed.

Nightclaw was taken aback. Hickory, who he thought wouldn't love him again after his mistake, is spending the entire Christmas Day looking for his best friend? The wolf is very touched and very happy to hear the news, but he still has some inner doubt, and lets another tear fall down.

Nightclaw: But I... Was so selfish. I didn't think about him and his friends, only myself...

Santa Claus: Yes, but in the end, it seems that you two have learned your lesson. I knew you two could never stray away from each other, because no matter what is done, you two have always forgave each other, and that, is what Christmas is about; Forgiveness.

Nightclaw puts his head down again, but this time to think... After three minutes he finally says,

Nightclaw: I'm ready to go home.

???: I was hoping you would say that.

Everyone looks towards the voice that was heard and at the other side outside of the stables, there he was making a cameo, Rudolph! The red-nosed hometown hero himself!

Donner: Son!

Rudolph: *smirks* Storm's a brewing, I better light the way.

Back at home-

Now it was nighttime where Hickory lived. There's only a few more hours until Christmas Day comes to an end. Hickory, now home and tired from driving, gets out of the car, letting the cold breeze dry his tears. He sighs, and looks at the photo of him and Nightclaw on the paper.

The wind blows, and the paper gets blown away! Hiccup attempts to chase it but he slips and falls on the ice on the driveway! Feeling too apathetic that he's even sore, he gets up, and walks to the door...

Getting out his keys, he looks for the front door key and once the keys stop jingling, he heard barking... His eyes widen, but then he looks down thinking that one, he's either hallucinating, or two, it was another neighbor's dog. As he got ahold of the key, this time, he heard a howl! He put his ear by the door... And he heard barking from the inside of his house! He GASPS! He shoves the key in and fumbles with the knob, thinking that it just might be who he thinks it is!

Opening the door, and turning on the lights, It was Nightclaw, happily barking by the suddenly lit up Christmas tree!


He runs to his wolf and gives him a very big hug. Hickory didn't care that he would be crying right now, he was just so damn happy to have his best friend back. No presents, no feasts, no money or interest, just the love of his best friend was all he needed right now.

Hickory: Oh bud, I'm so sorry... I promise, from now on, I'll never raise my voice again.

Astrid: Hickory!

Forgetting he left the door open, he turned around to see Astrid running to him, giving him a great big hug. Everyone else is seen walking far behind her. Felix, Scott, Terry and Becky, and Stefan.

Astrid: Oh we were so worried. We thought you and Nightclaw would be in danger so we came here. Your dad even picked us up and told us everything.

Hickory: Daddd...

Stefan: *bashful* Ah, it's Christmas son, of course we were gonna help ya, and now look, You and Nightclaw are safe at home.

Hickory: Haha, I couldn't agree more :)

Scott: Well, what are waiting for let's celebrate come on!

The families of Hickory's friends come inside his house with fresh cooked food, Christmas gifts, and of course, Christmas carols. It was definitely a celebration to join in for.

At night-

Christmas was now over, and it was a very blissful and quiet blue night. Everyone left, and at this time, were asleep, all expect for Hickory, too happy to go to bed early now that his best friend is back. But minutes later, he decided that he should get some sleep after all.

He snuck past the wolf, who was seen sleeping by the Christmas tree, full from the party, but most of all, tired to from his 'journey' to and back. Hickory crept upstairs and walked down the hallway until he stopped. He opened one of the hallway windows, and looked up to the star-dazzled sky.

Hickory: Merry Christmas my Lord. This, is the best gift ever. *he closes it, and walks away, to finally head to bed*

And up in the sky, up at the full moon...


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⏰ Last updated: Dec 25, 2021 ⏰

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