My world

13 0 0

Lily P.O.V

I wake up and check the time. 'Oh, crap I have class at 9:30 and its 8:05. I hurry to get up and out of bed. I run into the bathroom and put my hair in a messy bun and take a quick shower, brush my teeth, wash my face and check the time again. 'Crap it's 8:30' I Quickly dry off, put my sleeveless turtleneck and throw on my solderless brown sweater to stay warm. I slip on some black tights and put my hair into two small buns at the top and let the rest stay down, I put on some triangle earrings, circle glasses, my favorite flower hair clip and put on my headphones. I check the time again '8:59 I have to hurry before I'm late' I think as I start packing my bag with my computer, workbooks, notes, computer charger and some snacks that I have in my mini fridge for school.

I slip on my convers, tie my shoes and run out the door checking the time '9:15' I think as I hop on the trolley car that stops a block away from my college. 'I'll be there on time' I think as I smile not only to myself but to the world.

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