Mission 3: The Evil Orbs Appear

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Jeremiah is looking for his new base of operations, Sector 17. He was carefully following the arrow on his Emergency Watch. It took him to his school, Tamaroa Grade School. When he got to a specific spot, directions on how to open the entrance appeared. It read as followed:

Input the code: WSRN1B. Place your hand on the DNA Scanner. Go to the door that should appear. In the password box next to the door, input this code: NEWHEROJEREMIAHELLISONCOMMANDINGOFFICERUNLESSSTATEDOTHERWISE. (I dare you to decode that.) Create a new password.

Jeremiah complained, "Seriously?"

What is the deal with passwords?

After he read that step, he stated, "It has a point. What is the deal with passwords?"

You got a transmission.

He was doing all the steps as he was reading. He did have a transmission.

Answer it.

He answered it. It was the boss.

"I see you completed steps one through eight. Now, time for step nine. I have a question for you first. What do you think of Sector 17?" inquired the boss.

"It's a bit of a dump, but a little bit of sprucing up will fix that," said Jeremiah.

"I see. Anyway, time for step nine. Head to Superhero HQ 5. I know that you don't have a ship, yet. So, use the teleporter I installed about 20 teams ago."

"20 teams ago?" asked Jeremiah confused.

"You'll find out what I mean, later."

"Okay. Anyway, now you got teleporters!? First, it was talking computers. Then came spaceships. Now we have teleporters!? What's next, a sky base!?" shouted Jeremiah in disbelief.

"Yes. Superhero HQ 5 is in the sky. Way to spoil the surprise. Anyway, where did the living computers part come from?"

"You see, they helped me get to Cartoon Island. There were three of them and their names were Computer, Assistant, and Program. Hey, Superhero Smiley Face."

He appeared as a transparent figure and asked crankily, "Yes, what is it?"

"Do you know what happened to Computer, Assistant, and Program?" asked Jeremiah.

"Ah, yes. They introduced themselves right after you beat the giant metal creatures and I took over to get you home. They followed me back here. They said that they would hide in your school. They also gave me some numbers, too. Of course, I have no clue what good numbers are gonna do here."

"Those numbers might be their transmission numbers. What are the numbers?"

"Switch to me and I'll put them in."

"Okay. Transform!"

A tornado appeared around him. Everything started flying around.

He turned into Superhero Smiley Face. The tornado disappeared and everything landed neatly, and everything was spotless. Talk about a quick cleanup.

Jeremiah appeared as a transparent figure and said, "Thanks for cleaning up the place for me."

SSF looked around and said, "You're welcome. Greg..."

"Boss," corrected the boss.

"Boss, why is everything so dusty except for the door and the magic box?" inquired Superhero Smiley Face.

"You'll find out soon enough, along with the 20 teams ago question," said the boss.

"I got one more question for you. How do you work this thing?" asked SSF.

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