The Following

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Tommy-I'm home guys!  Got a paycheck today!


Tubbo-Finally bossman, idk how much longer we had to go before we ran out of money

Me, Purpled, Tubbo, and Ranboo all live together.  Yes, I know it's illegal to live by yourself until your at least 20, but it's a good thing to have a hacker on your team. (Guys I'm american idk how things work in the UK-)

Tommy-*chuckles* Anyways, Purp, how's the inventions going?

Purpled-Almost done with one and finished the other, come try them out guys.

Tommy-Already?  That was quick.

Purpled-Tommy, I was taught by Tubbo, of course I'm going to be done the day I got my hands on the pieces.

Tommy-Ok, ok.  I'm sorry.

Yep thats me, the best one out of the quado.  Sup I'm Tommy, also known as Scream.  In the morning I'm the very lonely kid that the district only knows as the annoying kid who works at a coffee place to make money to survive here in the goddamn world.  My friends, Tubbo, Ranboo, and Purpled are in the same boat as me.  We all had our bad past, but we all agreed that I have the worst past out of all of us, for some reason.  We still have our trama, though.  Each of us have a very important job, we are all known as the sad depressed teens in the morning, but at night we are known as 'The A-Team' amazing, ik I came up with it myself.

Tubbo-Guys, come here.  We have something big on our shoulders.

Purpled-Oh lord-

Ranboo-Whats up Tubbo?

Tubbo-Looks like someone is trying to bomb the bank, we've never dealt with a bomb mission

Ranboo-We have the best people on this team, don't worry Tubbo.

Tommy-*chuckles* C'mon team, lets suit up!

Tubbo, Ranboo, and Purpled-On it boss!

(Epic transition brought to you by Wilbur Soup-)

At the Hero HQ


Philza-Yes Wil?

Wilbur-We just got an alert that there is a bomb in a bank 'bout to explode! Hurry your old ass up and let's get moving!

Philza-Holy shit okok I'm coming-

Techno-Get ready you three, I just got word that the vigilante group called 'The A-Team' have just shown up on the scene.  I don't know if they even know how to defuse a bomb.

Punz-Can we please arrest them on sight PLEASE???

Techno-But why Punz?  I really like seeing Wil getting annoyed by that 'Scream' kid.


Philza-Yeah Punz, didn't you say that you like fighting that 'Blink' kid?

Punz-... Shut the fuck up no one needs to know about that-

Philza-Ok guys, go change and we'll be on our way. Go go go go go

At the bank(Guys I'm really trying here.  Transition brought to you by Silbur Woot)

Tubbo/Killer Bee-Boss, Blink and I have located the bomb. Is everyone out of the building?

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