idk what to call this so have a short chapter lol

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Sorry for not posting for a while everyone, I forgot I made books and I just finished cheer practice :')



Tommy's POV

Phil: Ok! If we're gonna go up against the Dream Team, we're gonna have to train, looks at the A-Team You are gonna train with us whether you like it or not

Tubbo: Fuck n-

Tommy: Fine

Ranboo: Scream what are you doing!?

Tommy: Do we even have a choice right now!? No, we don't. I want to say no, but I can't! We don't have our powers, so what can we do? They are more experienced than us they could turn us in if they wanted to, but they're not. We have to at least trust them until our powers come back.

Purpled: That's probably the smartest thing you've said

Tommy: Don't make me take it back Blink chuckles

Purpled: Fine, fine

Phil: Great! Follow us, we'll show you guys were we train

|in the training area|

Phil: Here is our training course!

Purpled: Woah!

Tubbo: This is so cool!!!

Ranboo: Awsome!!

Tommy: This looks like a mixture between MHA and Lego ninjago

Techno: What the fuck are those-

Tommy: Never mind. So what do we do?

Phil: Simple, all you have to do is jump through the ring of fire, then cross the tie-rope across a lake full of crocodiles then canabolt yourself to the other side of the corse :)

Tommy, Tubbo, Purpled and Ranboo: what the fu-

________after 10 hours__________


Phil: Scream shut up! ^^

Techno: That was funny

Wilbur: *just on the floor laughing*

Punz: Is he always like this?-

Purpled: Only if he has to do something like this

Punz: a vigilante does all of that though-

Purpled: I know-

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 21, 2023 ⏰

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