The buss

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While getting on the buss her sister sat in front of her and the guy she has been talking to sat next to her. Like any other day they all talk as usual but she make a mistake and ruined a surprise that she wasn't supposed to mention. Her sister being curious asked the guy who was going to give her the present If it was true. She didn't know what her sister had done until she got 4 missed call of the same number and 3 missed text saying to answer the phone and the guy she talked to said it was the guy with the present idea. She sat there nuevos for a minute or so over thinking what she had done. She disides to call back the number to hear a guy on the other side asking why did she open her mouth and that she had to ruin it. Her sister sitting next to her looking at her furious. She realizes she made a huge mistake.. She ended the call and as soon as she did she started a screaming match with her sister say how she couldn't be more stupid and how she didn't deserve anything not even love. Those words hit her harder that a brake up. Her sister went to her room as she saw what she did she cried and went to her room and cried into her pillow screaming to her self and hitting her self over and over and over again until she fell pain but yet she felt empty as ever. She sat down and questioned how that dude got her number. Then she realized it was that guy she talked to. She texted him saying FUCK YOU. The guy in shock and not knowing what he did was worried but didn't know how to say sorry or if she would forgive him. Her knowing her self and what she did hurt a lot of people and her self cried more. Her eyes getting red and puffy from all the crying. She told her self to calm down and took deep breath to stop the crying. Know she made a mistake she didn't know how to fix it.

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