Guess It's Time to Go

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I've always been trouble.

Whether I'm with my family or my friends, I've been the daring one. The adventurous one. The dangerous one.

I don't mean to be, really I don't. I just try to have fun. And I suppose my idea of fun isn't very safe.

But now, after four years, I'm taking my danger to somewhere else. To someone else.


That would be my brother.

The rockstar, the favorite, the role model. My parents love him. He gets, like, everything. Like my presents. On my birthday.

Even though he's favorited, he doesn't treat me any different. We're like any other pair of siblings you'd see.

Since we're the same age, we hang out a lot more.

I still fuck around with him as an older sister would, though.

Yep, you heard that right. The same age, but I'm older? Well, let me explain. Our father, the great Lucius Malfoy, had an affair.

And guess what the result of that was.

The woman didn't want the child, so Lucius and Narcissa took me in. Right as Narcissa went into labor.

So, here I am. The same age as Draco, but 3 months, 16 days, 17 hours, 19 minutes, and 36 seconds older.


And there he is with the screeching again. Does he ever stop screeching?

As I made my way downstairs, I took a last look at the paintings and decor around my home.

Oh, yeah. I'm going to Hogwarts.

And I'm only four years late.

As I mentioned before, Draco is the favorite, so naturally, he went to Hogwarts first. My parents homeschooled me for the first four years of Draco's trip to Hogwarts, but this year's different.

This year, the fifth year,  I'm going with him.

We have been planning this all summer. I packed my shit and got it outside last night, so this morning, Draco and I are going "shopping". But really, I'm going with him on the train.

I know what you're thinking.

"But Sloane, isn't that illegal?"

For most people, yes.

But for someone who's had their letter sent back four years straight, no. It is not illegal.

I sprinted down the stairs and as I walked backward to take one last look at everything, I practically trampled Draco.

Can't this little shit ever move?

As he stood up, I practically forgot that I was the older one. 

His ridiculously tall figure towered over me, and his platinum blonde hair was slicked back on the sides, his signature black suit almost invisible in the dark home.

"Finally you made it down here, I thought you changed your mind on Hogwarts," Draco joked, a grin spreading across his face.

"Very funny, like I would ever give up on something as genius as this. I haven't left this house for, what, ever?" I said, trying to hold back my smile, but failing miserably.

Narcissa and Lucius walked into the foyer to say goodbye to the two of us.

"Remember, only Draco gets on that train. Do you understand me, Sloane?" Lucius questioned, his glare boring into the back of my head as I hugged Narcissa.

"Yes father," I replied through gritted teeth. Keep yourself together Sloane, I thought to myself as Lucius and I stared each other down.

Draco and I walked out the door and got on our brooms.

I guess it's time to go.

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