Jesus Christ, Another Malfoy

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Harry just stood there for a moment, observing me.

"There's nothing about you that is even remotely close to you being a Malfoy," Harry scoffed, clearly thinking I was lying.

"Except for me being her brother,"

I flipped around to find Draco smirking behind me. Can't I do anything by myself?

"What are you doing here?" I questioned. "I thought you didn't need me hanging out with you and your friends,"

Harry chuckled. "You have Draco Malfoy telling you what to do? Must be rough,"

"Draco doesn't tell me to do anything. He's the younger one, he doesn't tell me shit," I groaned. Our height difference made it stupidly impossible for anyone to think I'm older.

"Except for when I told you to stop cuddling with Theo," Draco's smirk widened into a mean smile.

"Theo? As in Theodore Nott?" Harry sputtered, clearly shocked.

"Ugh, I'm not dealing with either of your guys' shit anymore," I groaned. I started to walk away when I heard another girl's voice.

"Who was that Harry?" the girl questioned.

"It's Malfoy's sister," Harry replied, shock still lingering in his voice.

"Jesus Christ, another Malfoy is just what we need," the girl sneered.

I didn't turn around to confront her, I just went and sat back in an empty compartment.

As I was starting to fall asleep,  as the rain patting on the windows was quite calming, I heard the door of the compartment open.

"Draco, I don't wanna deal with any more of your shit, so if you could leave that'd be nice," I grumbled, not opening my eyes.

"I'll make sure to tell Draco personally," I heard Theo laugh under his breath. I opened my eyes as he sat down next to me.

"Oh, hey Theo. I didn't know it was you," I said, mentally noting to never say anything again if I'm not positive about who I'm talking to.

"Clearly," Theo laughed again, then he laid his head back on the seat and closed his eyes.

"Can you open the window?" he said after a moment of silence.

"But it's raining outsi-" I began, but Theo interrupted me. "I know that it's raining, but can you just do it? Trust me." He sighed.

I reached over and pulled the window open. I was met with a chilly breeze and raindrops pattering on my face.

I sat back and started to shiver. Theo looked over at me, and out of nowhere, he pulled me up close to him. I was startled for a moment, but then I relaxed and realized how warm his body was.

I leaned into his warmth and closed my eyes. The next thing I knew, I was fast asleep.


I woke up to Theo shaking me gently. "Hey sleepyhead, we're here," He whispered quietly. I rubbed my eyes and looked out the window. I was met with the sight of the glowing castle just feet away from us.

I got up and stumbled, my body was still waking up. Theo grabbed ahold of my hand and the two of us walked off the train together.

We started to walk into the castle, and I was amazed. It was nighttime now, so everything had an eerie glow to it. The paintings that jumped and talked, and the ghosts floating throughout the halls mesmerized me.

Every bit of it took my breath away, and I only pulled my eyes away from the astounding decor to glance down at me and Theo's hands linked together, keeping us from getting lost in the crowd. I smiled to myself, secretly loving it.

An older woman wearing a tall hat walked up to me. "Hello, dear. Are you Sloane Malfoy?" the woman asked. I nodded. "I'm Professor McGonagall," she stated with a bright smile.

"It's very nice to meet you, Professor," I replied.

"It's very nice to meet you too, sweetheart. Oh, hello Theo! How was your summer?"

"It was really good actually! It was nice to be with my family," Theo beamed.

"That's wonderful, dear. Now, Sloane, come with me. I have to announce first years to get sorted into their houses, and I'll have you be last since you must be sorted too," Professor McGonagall said.

"Okay," I replied. I looked at Theo. "Try and get Slytherin if you can. I know that Pansy and Blaise are there, but I'll make sure they don't give you any trouble, alright?" Theo said excitedly.

"I'll try," I muttered. Theo walked away to go find his friends, and my hand felt empty without his.

I turned and followed McGonagall, and she had me sit down in a seat at the back of the Great Hall. While she announced the names of the first years, I took the time to take in everything around me.

Candles floated above everyone's tables, and the roof was completely open so you could see the sparkling stars. Banners hung above each of the four tables, and they all had a different animal on them. An eagle, a lion, a badger, and a snake.

As I finished glancing at everything around me, McGonagall called my name.

"And last, but definitely not least, Sloane Malfoy," her voice boomed.

I stood up and walked down the middle of the Great Hall. I wasn't nervous at first, but everyone was staring at me.




I started to walk a bit quicker when I noticed Theo sitting at the table with the snake next to Draco, Pansy, and Blaise.

He gave me a quick thumbs-up, and I smiled like an idiot but continued walking. I finally reached the seat and sat down.

Professor McGonagall set a brown hat onto my head and it started to talk.

"Hmm, wants Slytherin for her little crush, eh? What's his name, dear?" the Hat questioned. After a moment, he stated loudly, "Ah! Theo, it is!"

I felt my face flush red as everyone at the Slytherin table looked at Theo. He sat there with his eyes wide, and his face and neck red with blush.

"Anyway, SLYTHERIN!" The hat called. The Slytherin table cheered for me as McGonagall took the hat off of my head and I walked towards Theo. He scooched over to make room for me and I sat down.

"Let the feast begin!" An old man with a long gray beard wearing blue robes announced the start of the feast. Food started to appear in front of everyone, and everyone started to reach for it. Potatoes, green beans, ham, and other foods I had never seen before made their way onto people's plates. 

I didn't reach for anything at first, but after I noticed the food quickly disappearing for others to enjoy, I reached for some corn and some turkey.

"So," Theo said, swallowing his food. "You have a crush on me, eh?"

I felt my face turn red again. "No," I muttered, keeping my eyes on the floor.

Theo put his hand under my chin and turned my head to look at him. He observed me for a moment when I finally looked into his eyes. God, his eyes were beautiful.

"You're cute when you blush," he said with a smirk, then he let go of my chin and went back to his dinner.

This, of course, made me blush even harder. I slowly spooned the food in my mouth while I waited for Theo to finish eating.

That stupid fucking hat.

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⏰ Última actualización: Dec 28, 2021 ⏰

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