Holy Shit, This Is Really Happening

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Goodbye prison. Goodbye Cissy. Goodbye Lucius.

And hello to my new life.

Holy shit, this is really happening.

Draco and I arrived at Diagon Alley just a little bit ago, and now we were shopping for my stuff. Since Draco gets new stuff every year with Cissy and Lucius, we said that we were getting some last-minute things.

Those last-minute things were for me though.


As I walked through Diagon Alley for the first time, I was having trouble taking it all in. I mean, I'm a wizard for fuck's sake, shouldn't I have seen all this by now?


Anyways, we walked into almost every shop, getting books, quills, parchment, and I even got my very own broom.

I may have never left the grounds of my home, but I am one hell of a backyard Quidditch player.

I got the newest one, the Firebolt. After getting my broom, we went to go get my pet. I got a big black owl named Decker, and let me tell you, this owl was BIG.

As we passed by a shop full of mirrors, I caught a glimpse of myself for the first time today.

My short brown hair was very fluffy and messy at the moment. I cut it a while back to anger the Malfoys, so naturally, I look like a fem boy.

My greenish-grey eyes glinted in the sunlight, and my golden brown lashes flicked against my slightly pale skin as I blinked. My black t-shirt and jeans showed my entire figure, and I hadn't realized how slim I had gotten.

(Note: I had a photo on art breeder but it wouldn't show up so while I try and fix that just imagine.)

"Sloane, let's go! We're going to miss the train!" Draco called. I grabbed the handle to my trunk and pulled it onto the cart. I raced to Draco's side and we chatted excitedly. I was finally going to Hogwarts.

We got on the train, and since I didn't know anyone yet, I followed Draco to his usual compartment with his friends.

Draco greeted his friends, then started to help me get my trunk put away.

"Hold up, who's the chick?" one of Draco's friends questioned.

"Excuse me?" I questioned.

"Sorry, sorry," the boy said, his hands up. "I meant dishwasher."

I dropped my trunk and was about to hurt him when Draco stepped in front of me. The boy was snickering behind him.

"Let's try not to kill anyone until later in the year, alright?" Draco said.

I just stood to the side, steaming with anger while Draco disciplined the boy. "As I was about to say," Draco started, "This is my sister, Sloane."

"Oh shit, Blaise was right about it being a girl? I thought you were a whole fem boy." a brown-haired girl snickered.

"I'm Theodore Nott, but you can call me Theo," Theo had dark brown hair and sharp features, making him naturally attractive. He extended his hand and I hesitantly shook it. Next thing I knew he had pulled me right next to him and was whispering in my ear.

"Pansy may or may not be right about you looking like a fem boy, but I must say that you are very pleasing to look at either way." Theo's cold, minty breath floated down my neck like fog, and I can't say I didn't like it because then I'd just be lying.

"Oh great, it's been 2 seconds and Theo's already got the girl blushing," Blaise rolled his eyes.

Draco's expression quickly changed as he looked over at the two. "HEY! Six inches apart!" he said, diving between us.


I pushed Draco off and he fell onto the train floor with a thud. He looked up at me with his jaw wide open from underneath the table in the compartment. Draco scrambled out from underneath the table.

I decided to fuck with him a little bit just to make him mad. I leaned over towards Theo's ear.

"Just follow my lead," I mumbled under my breath. I scooched closer to Theo, and that would've gotten Draco mad enough, but Theo pulled me onto his lap. I looked into his deep blue eyes and he looked into my green ones.

Draco watched for a moment, his jaw still on the floor. Suddenly, he grabbed me by the foot and threw me over his shoulder.

"Hey!" I yelled. I started to kick him, trying to get loose but failed miserably.

"Y'know, I don't think it was the best idea to have you sit with my friends and I," Draco put me down in the alley and closed the compartment door.

I started to bang my fists on the door. "Let me in, you little shit!" I finally gave up. "Fine, but you have to bring in my luggage," I mumbled, walking down the alley to try and find a different compartment.

I kept walking, and after a moment I looked over my shoulder to see if Draco was coming to find me, and I was slightly disappointed that he wasn't.

Suddenly, I ran into someone. The two of us tumbled down to the floor, and I was met face to face with a brown-haired boy with a lightning bolt scar.

There he was, the legend himself.

Harry Potter.

I quickly got up off of him and gave him a nasty look. Draco had told me about him, and from his perspective, Harry seemed like a total douche.

Harry dragged himself off the floor. "I am so sorry, I didn't see you," he said. He held his hand out for her to shake. "Are you new? I haven't seen you around here before. I'm Harry. Harry Potter."

I just stared at his hand, then crossed my arms. "So, you're willing to shake hands with me, but not with my brother? How funny," I said, still giving him a dirty look.

Harry looked confused for a moment, then realization flashed across his face.

"You're a Malfoy?"

Authors Note: Hey everyone! I hope you're enjoying my book so far! I recently just changed the book name and the love interest, so if you were hoping to be reading a Harry Potter x OC fanfic, I hate to break it to you, but it's now a Theodore Nott x OC fanfic! Sorry for the slight change, I decided to do it before it gets too far into the book. Hope you guys understand!


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