019. Strange Dreams and a Hint of Amortentia

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Fred Weasley: The author of this story does not own Harry Potter and this is arguably the best chapter ever, because of the foreshadowing...oops, spoiler. 

I went to bed around 11 that night, confused as hell. 

My dreams were terribly conflicted, and honestly, a little terrifying. It started out with me laying down on the couch that I was sitting on last night. Then, the fire started glowing green. A bunch of magical fireworks burst out, and set the carpet on fire. Fred and George came flying down the stairway on brooms, cheering and setting house elves free. 

Then it changed. Hermione was eating a pile of sugar-free snacks while Ron watched with amusement. It changed again, and it was like I was seeing out of Ron's eyes, eating a giant pile of wings. The next thing that happened was strange. I saw myself, standing in the middle of an room. I was walking towards myself. The me in the dream slowly backed up towards the wall, leaning up against it, and then...then I woke up. 

I sat straight up, looking around wildly. There was no wall, no Hermione eating snacks, and no pile of chicken wings. 


A few minutes later, Hermione came dashing into the room, carrying a small bottle of something. It looked like perfume. 

She handed it to me. "Y/N, Ron got this for me, er, at the World Cup," She pauses to catch her breath. "But I'm allergic, so I thought you might want it." 

I unscrewed the cap, inhaling deeply. 

"It's supposed to smell like, Quidditch somehow," She grinned, shaking her head. "I think it kind of smells like rain and coconuts or something." 

"Thanks, Hermione." I smiled, waiting until she left the room to spray a tiny bit on my clothes. 


"Did you sleep well?" Harry yawned, covering his mouth with his hand. We walked sleepily down into the Great Hall to grab a bite to eat before Potions. "I didn't." 

"Strange you mention that—" I started. "I had really weird dreams." 

Harry raised an eyebrow. "Like what?" 

I waved my arm. "It's kind of hard to explain." I took my seat at the Gryffindor table, scanning the Hall for Fred. He was nowhere in sight. 

"I don't know about you, but I slept great," Ron said, burping as he drained his pumpkin juice. "Dreamt about a huge pile of chicken wings." 

"Well, that's like you, Ronald," Hermione said, unsurprised. She was aggressively buttering her toast, and adding a dollop of jam on the top. 

"So, you've stopped your food strike," Ron said, interested. "Are you not protesting for House Elves rights?" 

Hermione took a giant bite, jam spilling out the sides. "No." She swallowed the mouthful, continuing. "I've just decided there are better ways to protest the inequality." She shook her head furiously. "I've got to get to the library." 

"Right," Ron said sarcastically. "And you were hungry." 

Hermione ignored this. 

"Why do you need to get to the library?" Harry questioned. "We haven't got any homework yet." 

"Extracurriculars," Hermione said, like that explained everything. She stood up, collecting her book bag and taking a large swig of pumpkin juice. "Bye, Harry, Y/N." 

Ron blinked after her, muttering under his breath. "Bye Ron." 

"Where are the twins?" I asked, purely out of curiosity. Nothing else. 

"I don't know," Ron said wiping his mouth off. "I never saw them get up this morning." He sighed. "Fred seemed agitated about something though." 

"Wonder what that's about?" murmured Harry. 

"Yeah, me too," I said slowly. 

"You too, what?" Ron asked, confused. "What're you agitated about?" 


I didn't have time to question that further, because at that moment, Fred and George finally joined the table. 

George looked more upbeat than normal, a bright expression on his face. He plopped down next to Ron, stealing a bite of his food. 

Fred however, looked terrible. It appeared he hadn't slept well at all. 

"Good morning, everyone," George said cheerfully, smacking Ron's hand away from his plate of sausages. "Isn't it a good morning?" 

Harry and I looked at each other with confusion. 

Fred glared down at the table, taking a piece of toast and shoving it in his mouth like he was furious at it. 

"Slow down there, Fred," George said brightly, grinning. "You wouldn't want to choke." 

"Shut up, George." 

George acted like he hadn't heard that last statement from Fred, continuing on about how we had double potions this morning, which meant having to deal with Snape and the fourth year Slytherins. 

Just wonderful. 

Snape seemed to be in an extra bad mood this morning, his face somewhat echoing Fred's expression. 

"Today, you will be brewing me Amortentia," He said in the same low voice that made everyone listen, mostly out of fear. "Can anyone tell me what Amortentia is?" 

"It's a love potion," Angelina Johnson, a girl on our Quidditch team said, raising her hand. 

"Correction," Snape paused. "It's the most powerful love potion in the world." He stopped again. "However powerful, it is not real love. It's is simply the most powerful imitation, one that is proven to be dangerous."

Snape took a few steps around the classroom towards his cauldron. "It is said to imitate the smell that most attracts you." With a small glint in his eye, he said—"Now, before we begin, I'd like you all to come and smell this potion and share your experience. That way, I shall know if you have made the potion correctly." 

Angelina was first. 

"I smell....broomsticks, and er, campfires." 

Next was George. "Rain, and...cinnamon sticks." 


"—honey and flowers." 

"Hot chocolate and grass." 

It continued on like this for a while, until it was Fred's turn. 

"I smell.." He trailed off, staring into the steam. "Er, coconut, and...rain?" 

There's no way. 

I didn't have to time to consider this further, because it was my turn. The smell was so familiar, it was overwhelming. My brain was on a complete overload, causing me to freeze in front of the potion. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Fred staring at me, waiting for my answer. 

It felt like time was no longer passing. I had to force my self to unclench my jaw, to say the answer to the question I was being asked. It was so hard to admit out loud, because I hadn't yet admitted it to myself. 

I like Fred Weasley. 

"Go on, Y/N," Snape said impatiently. 

"Broomsticks, peppermint, and...firecrackers." 

MISCHIEF MANAGED// FRED WEASLEY X READERTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang