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Quick paragraph prompt cause I can.

"I am God. I am the ruler, I am life, death and rebirth." The man whispered as he stared at the dark water lapping around his legs. His limbs were colder than a morgue slab as he took another step into the hazy lake, repeating the same words.      

"I am God. I am the ruler, I am life, death and rebirth."
White gently fell from the dark night, coating all in a thin powder. The water consumed each drop of the snow as it hit its eerie service.
The dark haired man, let out a shaky sigh, he turned back towards the shore of the lake. Slowly lowering his body into the water, the darkness lapped over him. His body being completely submerged underneath the depths, he let out a small yelp. Water flooded his lungs. This is what he wanted.

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