Suprise Attack

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Next Morning

The Alpha gang were prepared to surface from their submarine. Almost. "Destination dead ahead" Ursula notified. "Prepare to surface!"

"Aye aye captian" Zander and Ed replied. They moved the gears and surfaced, right in front of a ship, which knocked the head off their submarine.

"I didn't say to surface yet!" Ursula cried. "Lucky it is just a rental!" Ed replied. "Lucky for you, it's put on my credit card!" Zander stated.

The submarine sank back under the water.


Max was playing Frisbee with Chomp. "That was awesome Chomp! Catch it again" he praised.

"Max is really lucky to have a dinosaur" Zoe sighed. "Yeah, it looks like they're going to become best friends" replied Rex. "Do you think it's because Max found him?" Zoe asked.

"Probably, Chomp's card only seems to work with the stone Max found too...I wonder what our stones can do..."

"I was thinking the same thing"

"But our stones didn't come with any cards matching the symbols"

"Hey, maybe our stones do have matching cards but they were lost somehow..."

Suddenly they were interrupted by a loud roar. People began screaming and yelling, everyone fled from the harbour. There stood a massive fully grown tyrannosaurus Rex. Its massive head turned around and its emerald green eyes scanned its surroundings. Then its eyes settled on Max, Rex and Zoe.

"A tyrannosaurus Rex!" Rex exclaimed.

Meanwhile the Ursula and Zander resurfaced, coughing and spluttering, holding onto a piece of debris from their broken submarine. "Where's Terry?" She asked

"He's right over there"

"Help me! I don't know how to swim!" Cried Ed, splashing about in the water, he neared the debris they were holding onto, "whatever you do Ed, don't hold on to the end because with your weight, there's a good chance we'll sink back into the" Zander tried telling him, but sunk under before finishing the explanation.

"Awesome!" Max cried looking at the t.rex. "It sure is, but I think it's a good time to run!" Rex shouted as the t.rex took chase.

Max held onto Chomp as he ran with the others, the t.rex right behind them. "Why is it following us? Let's split up!" Zoe yelled.

They ran off in different directions and the t.rex was put off for a second but noticed Chomp in Max's arms and took chase after him, Then Max's dad showed up and gaped in awe. "Hey there Mr T.rex, nice to meet ya, lucky I have a trap on me so prepare to be snared!" He greeted and launched the snare onto the end of the t.rex's jaw.

Terry looked straight at the thing on his nose, narrowed his eyes and destroyed it by launching his jaws open and gave out a frustrated roar.

"Needs work..." Dr Taylor trembled and ducked down under Terry as he ran right over him, straight towards Max.

"Why does it have to follow me?" He groaned and ran into a little coffee shop, the owner saw the t.rex and ran away screaming in fright. Terry walked right up to it and smashed it to pieces with a head butt.

Max dropped, luckily avoiding all the debris, and whimpered in fear as Terry loomed over him, nodding down at Chomp.

Max's POV:

So that's what the t.rex is after, he wants Chomp. I'm not going to let him get to him. "!".

The t.rex grunted and nodded towards Chomp again. Suddenly Chomp escaped from my grip, jumped onto the t.rex's snout and bit down hard. That surprised the t.rex a bit.

"Chomp, NO!" I cried out but it was too late, the t.rex appeared to grin and flung Chomp into a tree, he dropped to the ground and lay there. How could he do this to Chomp!

The t.rex looked down at me and back at Chomp, it was as if he was keen on a race that he knew he was going to win.

Dad rushed towards me. "Here, use this!" He said as tossed some weird looking gadget to me, I caught it. "What the heck's this thing dad?"

"It's designed to make your stone tablet easier to use, you can use it to make Chomp full read the manual" he said, tossing a really thick book to me as well. "I'll just trust you and read it later..."

The t.rex went off after Chomp. I pressed all sorts of buttons on it until finally I quickly got the right one. At the same moment the t.rex attempted scooping Chomp up in his mouth, but I had turned Chomp into a card.

Time to get that t.rex back for what he did! "Let's go Chomp!"

I slashed Chomp's card down on the gadget. The stone's lightning symbol appeared on the device's screen.

Chomp transformed into a full sized triceratops. He swung round, lightning flashing in his eyes and roared, turned and faced the t.rex. Wow, that's awesome.

Rex, Zoe and my dad came to see what was happening. "Where did this t.rex come from?" Zoe questioned. "I wonder... I don't know" dad answered.

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