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"Y/n wait up" shouted your annoying twin as you walk to the turbo lift. "What is it Pasha?" you ask looking at his concerned face. "Y/n is it true, you love Mr Spock?" he asks. Your eyes widen in horror at your brothers announcement. "N... no" you stutter and obviously lying "Y/n tell-" " Nyet! Pasha shut it now." you shout as the lift arrives at the bridge. "Lieutenant Chekov, Ensign Chekov." Kirk greets the two of you. Chekhov sits down at his station and you at yours before he messages you. 'is it true?' 'this is gonna be a long shift' you think to yourself.

"Y/n please just answer me? I am your older brother and I need to know!" Pavel pleads with you. "Pavel your older by ten minutes and why should I?" you look at his eyes and want to know. "I'll give you cookies and candy." is all he replies. "Let's go to your room and I'll explain okay."

"You love Mr. Spock." Padua repeats for the fourth time in a row "Da." "You're in love with a Vulcan?" "Da" you say again nibbling on a cookie. "Tell him." he says as a matter fact which cause you to come on your cookie "Nyet, Neine, No! absolutely not. Anyway he's with lieutenant Uhura. So I can't be with him Pavel. I can't" the last words are in a barely audible whisper and sound so heartbroken and desperate it years your brothers heart apart. "Its not impossible y/n I'll help." pasha says looking in your eyes, his determindness causing a faint smile to grace your lips.

"Spock if you love her, I can't be with you." Uhura shouts at the blank-faced Vulcan. "It is an emotion, Nyota something that should not exist and I do not want it to since it is impractical, and unnecessary." "Spock, if you don't feel the same way about me as you feel about y/n then maybe your better off without her." Nyota says quietly before leaving Spocks chambers, years dreaming down her face. "Uhura, are you okay?" asks Chekov "No. Me and Spock just broke up. he lives your sister not me." she says causing more years to fall down her face. "Really he loves y/n?" excitement seeping into his voice, causing Uhuras face to show the pain from his words. "She loves him as well." is all Chekov says before running off to his quarters.

"Lieutenant Chekov wait." Spock says as you head to you quarters after your shift finally finishes. You Spock before turning round. "Yes Mr. Spock, anything I can help you with?" "Is it true that you love me-" he replies "I am going to kill you Pavel Andrevich Chekov." you cut Spock off. "As I overheard your brother and lieutenant Uhura talking about it." "Yes. Yes I love you Spock." "Why did you not say anything." he says raising an eyebrow. "Because you're with Uhura and you don't feel the same way." you say, a tear escaping from your eye. "I am no longer in a romantic relationship with lieutenant Uhura and do not presume my feelings as I love you too y/n." he says before his lips meet yours.

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