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I take a deep breath, walking downstairs and pulling my bag over my shoulder. I instantly smell bacon and eggs. Looking over towards the kitchen, I see mitsuki passed out on the table and kacchan cooking breakfast. I smile at the sight.

I walk towards the kitchen, putting my bag down next to my seat and sitting beside mitsuki. It seems to have woken her up, as she quickly snapped her head towards me in a panic. "Hi, mitsuki! Good morning. Did you sleep well?" I ask, flashing a smile.

She puts her head back in her folded arms on the table, smiling at me slightly. "Good morning izuku. Yes, I slept well enough. I assume you two slept well- Katsuki was practically singing when he came downstairs!" She says, kacchan instantly looks at her.

"You hag! No I wasn't!" He says, blushing profusely. "Hah, yeah right! You were so happy I thought you two—" this is when I decided to block the rest of their conversation out. They're always at each other's throats, I wonder if they ever get tired of it.

"Deku, breakfast." Kacchan says, defeat lacing his tone. I guess mitsuki won their little argument this time. He sets a plate of scrambled eggs, bacon, and some toast in front of me, giving me a grin. "Enjoy!" He says.

"Thank you for the meal, kacchan!" I reply, picking up my fork and practically inhaling the food in front of me. In a few moments, kacchan slides a plate in front of his mother and she does the same- thanking him, then scarfing down her meal like it's the last one she'll get.

"Easy, you two. There's plenty of time before we have to leave." He says, smiling slightly as he begins to eat as well. "But it's soooooo good!!" I say, pouting slightly as I continue to wolf down my food. I check the time and see that we have 10 minutes before we have to start walking, so I slow down just a little.

"Are you staying another night?" Mitsuki asks, smiling slightly as she takes another bite. "Ah, yes please, if it isn't any trouble. My father texted me this morning, he doesn't want me home before tomorrow." I say, then turn to her quickly making me almost choke on my food.

"I wanted to thank you for doing my laundry! I really appreciate it! And thank you for letting me over as well, I really like being here! Oh, and thank you for letting kacchan come and pick me up last night, I know it was late.." I say in a single breath.

Mitsuki laughs, looking at me with a smile. "Of course it isn't trouble, kid! I love havin ya here!" She says, playfully punching my arm. "As for the laundry, I didn't fold it yet, but it's in the dryer."

"I can fold it! They're my clothes anyways." I say, grabbing my plate and walking to the dishwasher to put it away. "And thanks again for the food, kacchan!"

"No problem, I hope you enjoyed! But I'm surprised you could even taste it, you ate so fast!" He replies, grinning. "Wanna head out early? I wanna talk." He says, making a bubbly feeling rise in my stomach. When kacchan says he wants to talk, it's usually about something cheesy or cute.

"Sure! I'm ready whenever you are!" I cheer with a smile. "Ok, I'm just gonna grab my bag and then we can go." He says, making his way upstairs. Mitsuki turns to me afterwards. "So! What happened last night that got him in such a good mood, huh?!"

I can feel my face flush as I remember the kiss. Well, both the kisses, technically. "N-nothing, really... we just t-talked.." I reply, not wanting to tell her until I knew if kacchan was ok with it.

"Did you guys kiss?!" She asks. God, why're the Bakugo's so good at this?! "N-N-NO! What?! No! I- Why would we do that?!" I say hurriedly, standing up and walking towards the door. "Seriously, auntie- where do you come up with this stuff!" I say with a nervous laugh.

"Oh my god it's true!! You only call me that when you're lying!" She exclaims, not even trying to contain her excitement. "What's true?" Kacchan asks casually from the stairs. "Don't worry about it, kid. Go to school." She says, standing up to put her dish in the dishwasher."Y-yeah! Let's go, kacchan!" I say, dragging him outside.

As soon as he shuts the door behind us, I let out a sigh, causing him to look at me. "What was that about?" He asks, cocking an eyebrow. "Ah, n-nothing! She's just being weird." I say with a nervous laugh.

"Christ, she knows we kissed?!" He says, a pink tint to his cheeks. "She's never gonna let us hear the end of it!" God, how are they so good at this?! I'm not THAT bad at lying, am I?! "It's not like I told her, she just asked if we did and I said 'no'!" I say, shifting my gaze to the sidewalk as we begin to make our way to school.

"That makes more sense, you're a horrible liar." He says, nudging my shoulder slightly with his elbow. "Am not! You guys are just detectives!! I swear, I'll think of something and you guys instantly know what! It's so hard to buy you presents because of it." I say with a huff.

Kacchan bursts out laughing, shaking his head slightly when I look up at him. "Nope! You're just bad at lying! It's not a bad thing, though. It's good, cause no matter what, I trust you. I mean! I trust you anyways, it's just—"

"It's easier to trust someone who can't lie. I know what you mean, you're awful at lying when it comes to me. You have so many tells!" I say, giggling slightly. He ruffles my hair and gives a scowl. "Haha, you're trying so hard not to smile right now!"

He instantly grins, then tries to force his face back to his typical frown, failing miserably. "Rude." He says, turning his head slightly. "You know you're the only one to make me genuinely smile, stop abusing your power!" He crosses his arms.

We continue walking, chatting here and there about random things, until he changes the topic to the events of last night. "I just- I wanna make sure everything's.. ok, you know?" He says, looking down at the sidewalk in front of him.

"Hey, I promise, it's more than ok with me. I was actually really happy, if we're being honest. I was so scared that you didn't like me and that you'd hate me for saying anything- hell, I was terrified it would ruin our friendship. But then—" I say, but I'm soon cut off by the now-familiar pair of lips.

"Izuku, what are we?" He asks once our lips part. "I mean, are we... friends who casually kiss? Or.. do you want something more..?" I can hear my heartbeat banging on my eardrums, feeling it repeatedly slam against my chest as I ponder this question.

Will he hate me if I wanna go out with him? Will he be angry if I don't wanna be JUST friends? We've known each other all our lives, but I have no idea what he might want out of this... can I even call it a relationship?

Grotesque pianoحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن