First (Courtney) - Part 2

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Shayne lifts himself up off the couch, a little, so she can pull his shirt off, hands immediately landing on and running over the ridges in his chest. It's almost ticklish, and he smiles sweetly at her as he moves his own hands to rest at the base of her crop top, eyes carefully watching hers for even the slightest hesitation.

"Can I take yours off?" he asks, gently. He finds no hesitation. Instead, Courtney's eyes twinkle as she nods lightly. He continues watching her eyes for any change in emotion as he slowly tugs the top up and over her chest, but he finds none. Instead, after he removes her shirt, her eyes gaze down to his chest – he keeps his own on her face – before she lies back down on top of him, pressing a kiss against his lips only to move into a trail of kisses off the side of his cheek, and down his neck.

"I don't know if it's dumb but... I've always had this thing about wanting to kiss your pecs," she admits, between kisses at his collarbone, "you're so beautiful."

"Nothing you want is dumb, love," he reminds her, hand reaching up to gently brush her hair out of her face, "and... I've kinda thought similar things about you."

"Youcantakeoffmybra," she mumbles, rushed together, somewhere near his ear. It makes him pause, hands stilling on her back and gently nudging her to meet his eyes.

"You saying that because you really want me to?" he asks, careful. She blushes, but she quickly nods.

"I want you to touch me," she admits, softly, hand falling to one of his own until she guides it up to the side of her chest, letting his thumb fall to her skin just above the cup of her bra.

Shayne brushes his thumb across her skin, but he quickly moves his hands to her back, sliding undone her bra strap. It's Courtney that shrugs it off her shoulders and quickly moves it out from between them, and gently, Shayne lets his hands move to gently cup her breasts in his hands. She sighs gently as he does, turning into a gasp when he lets his thumbs stretch upwards to brush against her nipples.

He pays rapt attention to the way Courtney responds, verbally and otherwise, as he moves his hands and mouth across her torso. She prompts him to switch positions, so she is the one lying back on the couch, when he cranes his neck to press kisses across her breast. His biggest tell comes in the way her hands move across his own body, and he moves on if he feels her hands relax against him, but presses closer when they grip at his back to pull him in.

Courtney's hands slide down his back to his ass, nudging inside the back pockets of his jeans, when he places a particularly insistent flick of his tongue against one nipple as his fingers brush over the other. It drives his hips to press against hers, and he groans softly when she moves her thigh up to meet his crotch.

"Do you want to stay here, or bedroom?" he asks, breathless, a moment later when she, very intentionally, lifts her leg to grind against his erection through his jeans.

"Bedroom," she gives an equally breathless response. Her tone sends a rush of desire through Shayne, pressing his bodyweight heavily against her as he kisses her firmly, tongue moving comfortably inside her mouth.

She kisses him back just as intently, but somehow she manages to both push back and hold him to her at the same time, slowly moving and rotating them up so Shayne has one leg up on the couch, the other kneeling on the floor, as she sits. He moves to stand up, first, reaching for both of her hands and tugging her up to join him. She lets the momentum carry her forward to press into his arms, and he returns her embrace as they both move messily towards her bedroom.

She reaches for the button on his pants as they enter her room, glancing up at him to ask a silent question. He nods, and Courtney fumbles to unhook the button, immediately sliding down the zipper and tugging his pants down over his hips in response. Shayne steps the rest of the way out of his pants, and she finds her gaze locked firmly on his crotch. His jeans had hid his erection to be nothing but a vague bulge, but his soft cotton boxers do not quite so effectively, and she has the overwhelming urge to run her hand over him.

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