Another Note & Teaser...please read!

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So sorry I haven't updated I've been so so busy over the past couple of days to which I haven't really been on Wattpad to sit down and actually update.

Because of my work schedule I should be able to update twice maybe three times a week depending on what I'm doing.

Question: Would you like me to update a bit more frequently if the chapters are shorter?

I want to thank you ALL for keep reading and wanting me to update and I'm sorry I haven't been able to get an update out to you so here we go...just to keep you going


"Are we going to talk about what happened out there?"

"You have to stop being stubborn all the time"

"We decided to put the wedding forward"

"She's fine it was just a false alarm"

"Why did you have to be mean to her? She already feels out of the picture as it is"

"I think I'm going to stay here, than going back"


There is also another cover yay!




I have two ideas

1. Its about a girl who goes online just like any fangirl in a fandom she creates friends and stuff and the meet which to be honest will be short I think and now I'm thinking about it its a bad idea

2. University Life: Stereo Kicks will be involved, Probably wont have girlfriends in this one however I will have 3/4 parts available for the story if you want to be involved. I'm not going to make them famous nor all of them be in a band so it's going to be different. Also this is my orginal idea which i forgot but I found my notes so Steph if you read this this was the idea.


Finally All Over Again, Unsure what to do about it.

Question: Keep it or Re-Write or try and end it for you guys?


Last thing Thanks So So So Soooo Much for all your support a chapter should be up within the next day or two over the weekend feel free to message me but remember to comment! . Happy Holidays, Hope you get lots of chocolate.

Jess xxx

The Heart Wants What it Wants (Stereo Kicks)Where stories live. Discover now